TPV Podcast, Episode 251: Transitioning Out of Depression

Ep. 251: Transitioning Out of Depression


In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about Stacy going off her anti-depressants and what these drugs even do. Plus, how can you support mental health in your diet?

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 251: Transitioning Out of Depression

  • Intro (0:00)
  • News and Views (0:40)
    • Go see Wonder Woman! It’s awesome! Buy the soundtrack!
    • Stacy and Sarah talk comic book movies?! What dorks! I approve
    • How you didn’t miss the video podcast last week!
    • For more on Sarah’s bedtime protocol, see her book Go To Bed!
    • Today is an update on Stacy’s health and mental recovery.
    • Stacy had a devastating back injury detailed in podcast form here.
    • She’s also had some intense emotional blows in the past year including losing her brother-in-law and best friend Andrew
    • She went on mediations, specifically an SSRI, which helps with eating disorders, which seemed to be coming back when she was depressed.
    • Unfortunately it was disrupting her sleep! She also had an issue with mindless eating as well.
    • So she switched to an SNRI, but she didn’t feel any different. But she found that she felt okay, so she went off her medication.
    • Sarah recommends looking at conventional medicine the same way we look at foods: see the pros and cons
    • These medicines work by effecting neurotransmitters and and keeping the happy ones in circulation longer.
    • In addition to SNRI and SSRI, there’s also NDRI
    • Treating chronic depression is a long term thing on these drugs: 6 months – 2 years. And discontinuing use is a tapering off process.
    • Stacy knew she didn’t need the medication because of how well she was able to deal with the selling of her house.
    • Stacy and Sarah both recommend positive thinking and focusing on positivity to see you through.
    • Stacy references the tragic story of Oprah endorsing The Secret and then having someone declare that she would use The Secret to fight cancer. This person later died. Of cancer.
    • Stacy also did 45 days of super clean eating except for one occasion. This helped her very much. Plus she added collagen and veggies
    • Big recommendation for Dr Sarah Ballantyne’s Vital Veggies Blend from Vital Proteins!
    • Remember: medication is never a failure, but there are ways to help yourself recover from mood disorders
      • Sleep
      • Exercise (and exercise outside is better than exercise indoors)
      • Omega-3s (EPA and DHA, from fish and shellfish and some grass fed meat)
      • Vitamin D
      • B Vitamin deficiencies: folate, B9, especially.
      • If you’re not methylating properly because of a MTHFR mutation or otherwise, you’ll build up homocysteine in the blood. Make sure you’re B Vitamin sufficient, especially in B6, B9, and B12! Stacy takes the Vital Protein Liver Pills.
      • Zinc is important as well. Some 70% are not sufficient in it. Shellfish and liver are the most plentiful in it and it is used in neurotransmitters.
      • Amino acids: tyrosine and phenylalanine (precursor for norepinephrine), methionine (precursor for SAMe), glycine (reduces signs of schizophrenia) and taurine (reduces bipolar)
    • More organ meat and more seafood to treat mental disorders!
    • Remember the link between gut health and mental health! Our bacteria friends can help our brains!
  • Rate and Review us! Goodbye!
  • Outro (53:37)


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