Delicious Urban Parents NYE Menu

The holidays have been amazing this year. I took a whole week off of work, spent quality time with the family, and mainly managed to avoid computers.  Knowing I’d want to fall into the real world abyss for a little while, I asked two of my new favorite paleo mamas to do a New Years Eve post with me.

If you don’t know Heather at Multiply Delicious or  Jenni at Urban Poser yet, you’ve got to go check them out. Like NOW. Seriously. Go.

These ladies offer some amazingly tasting and just as awesome looking stuff on their sites! I made Heather’s Pumpkin Streusel Muffins for Christmas brunch and Jenni’s GAPS/Paleo reinvention of marshmallows is nothing short of amazing. I’ve got a ton of each of their recipes on our Pintrest wall and can’t wait to try more!

Although I’m super excited to be able to introduce these fancy pants ladies and their recipes to you, I’m slightly concerned you’ll head over to their sites and never come back to hang with us again!  Hopefully my promise of future Round-Robin-Recipe posts (Trifectas?) will keep you coming back? I’ve got another already being planned! Who do you just love? Who should we (as Matt would say) join paleo-super-powers with to spread the good food word?

When I reached out to Jenni and Heather, we all tossed around some ideas and decided to each feature a “course” to give you a full New Years Eve menu.  I’m featuring dessert – a take on Jenni’s marshmallows, a S’more Marshmallow! But before you get to dessert, you need an appetizer and main course first. Click the links and head to their sites for the full recipes!


Heather at Multiply Delicious made an appetizer I personally can’t wait to try. We’re hosting a mini-Paleo all-nighter tomorrow and these Sundried Tomato Herb Chicken Sliders need to be on our menu!

These Sundried Tomato Herb Chicken Sliders with Paleo Herb Buns have bacon, sundried tomatoes, herbs, and garlic and are sandwiched between a Paleo Herbed Bun.  They are topped off with homemade garlic herb aioli to tie it all together and add fanciful, creamy, deliciousness.


Jenni at Urban Poser used leftovers to make an amazing looking main course, Chicken Pot Pie. I personally haven’t had a pot pie in years, and don’t know that I’ve ever had a homemade one. Can’t wait to try this!

Warm, savory and the perfect match to a cold winters day…Try this grain free rendition of the classic ‘Pot Pie’. These personal sized pies are chock full of hearty chicken, seasoned vegetables, and thick (grain free) gravy. Then they’re topped off with a flaky almond flour crust, just like my Grandma used to make…only better for you!


So, now that you’re ready for dessert – how about some of my latest obsession? Marshmallows! They are so fun to make, and the texture of real homemade marshmallows is unlike anything I’ve ever had before. They’re a super special treat, something we probably won’t make again until next holiday season; but, that’s what New Years Eve calls for. Putting on a party had and pulling out the recipes that dazzle. Matt has been making homemade caramel popcorn for years, every NYE. We needed something to sparkle big enough to not make us miss it.

These marshmallows won’t have you missing anything. Especially the sticky burning goo on your fingers. Or the smoke in your eye. But, if you’re into that sort of thing, by all means – eat them beside a bonfire and let the chocolate melt in your hand instead of your mouth! But first, you have to make them…

S’mores Marshmallows

1/3 batch Grain-Free Graham Crackers
8 oz (or about a cup) dark chocolate, chips or chopped
1 batch Urban Poser’s Vanilla Marshmallows

  1. ♥ Let little hands turn 1/3 a batch of graham crackers into dust! Crumble, pound and bang as loudly and much as possible.
  2. ♥ Use wax or parchment paper to line a 9 x 13″ pan, we do two layers to ensure all edges are covered
  3. ♥ Use 1/2 the crumbs to evenly line the bottom of the pan, this minimizes the marshmallows sticking
  4. Follow the instructions in the Jenni’s marshmallow recipe (we like 1/2 C coconut nectar and 1/2 C honey)
  5. ♥ As the marshmallows are setting under the electric mixer, microwave the chocolate until just melted (stirring every 30-60 seconds)
  6. Pour the marshmallows and spread evenly in pan
  7. Pour the chocolate gently in zig-zags over the marshmallows
  8. ♥ Use an oiled or silicone spatula to create an even layer of chocolate over the marshmallows, then use a butter knife to making swirl patterns or other fun patterns – this will help cover up if some of the marshmallows came through as you spread the chocolate out
  9. Let the marshmallows set at least an hour in the fridge, until the chocolate hardens
  10. ♥ Release marshmallows from the pan, retaining the graham crumbs, then cut marshmallows into preferred size pieces
  11. ♥ Optional: roll the sticky edges in the leftover graham cracker dust – enjoy!

Santa got a sample of these delicious treats, and he was quite impressed!

This will be our last sweet recipe until at least January 22nd. We’re doing the Balanced Bites 21 Day Sugar Detox (with quite a few other bloggers, like Primal Palate who will be posting a sugar-detox friendly recipe EVERY DAY for 21 days!) in an effort to get clean, get rid of cravings, focus on ourselves and get ready for our 10 year anniversary and vow renewal on the 21st. Matt and I never had a wedding, so it’s a big deal that we’re very excited about. Gotta fit into my dress looking my best!

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