What Are We Up To?

We looked around our own blog recently and realized that we were not writing for it ourselves very often. One of the promises we made to ourselves and to our readers was that we would always be involved in it and be the main contributors. It is unfortunate that writing Beyond Bacon has taken away from our blogging time. But, until we send the book off to print and get back to writing here a whole lot more, why don’t we show you what we’ve been up to?

1. Guest Hosting!

Stacy and Sarah, our Paleo View team, took over the Livin’ La Vida Low Carb show this week to share some (basic) information on the Autoimmune Protocol with Jimmy Moore’s audience. Head over to his blog for the notes, or iTunes for the free download!

2. Traveling!

Stacy and the older boys went to the visit her mom who lives by the beach. They enjoyed visiting the beach, hitting Mount Trashmore playground, and playing with GiGi’s new Newfoundland puppy. Check out our Instagram for all the pictures!

kites playground

  feetboys beach

3. Crossfit!

Matt and Stacy both continued to work out, something that they very much enjoy. Our most recent WOD (workout of the day) included deadlifts (demonstrated below by our sweaty Vanna in Black) and push-ups.  All said, by the time the WOD was over Matt (17,445) and Stacy (13,445) picked up and put back back down lbs, as well as 100 push-ups each! Yes, we’re aware that our form is awful… admittedly, we haven’t been eating our best, sleeping much and are super stressed as we wrap-up Beyond Baconperformance suffers.

Stacy Crossfits on PaleoParents (5)You can imagine how thrilled Stacy was to stop and pose during a WOD!

Matt and Stacy Crossfit on PaleoParents (2)You gotta have the right workout wordrobe. Cap’n and NomNom.

  Matt and Stacy Crossfit on PaleoParents (4)

I love the progression of faces as we lifted. And Sarah yelling at encouraging us.

Matt and Stacy Crossfit on PaleoParents (3)
Matt and Stacy Crossfit on PaleoParents (1)Booya, Beast Mode. Look at that form!

4. Cooking

And we’ve been cooking too! Be sure to check out our friend Aimee’s review of Gather, which we have been using quite often this week! Be sure to enter the giveaway at the end of the post and try to win this fantastic book!

IMG_9306 april2013 web-7079

Also, we ordered PaleOMG. Which is Amazeballs and Awesomesauce. If you don’t already love Juli, you’re late to the party and MUST go visit her blog. And buy her book. Because it’s JUST as funny and filled with blog classics and NEW recipes!

61S9gAihxuLRead our review here.

I started reading Juli’s blog in early 2012. I found her delicious looking recipes on Pinterest and then went combing back through the archives, laughing so much I had tears in my eyes. When I heard Juli was doing a book I thought, “How in the world is she ever going to be able to capture her vivacious charm and sense of humor on the page in a cookbook?” And boy, was I wrong?!

This book is everything I’d hoped it’d be, and more. Tons of amazing recipes peppered with sarcasm and wit. I want to stay home for the week and just cook my way through all of the delicious looking food, because I’ve come to know and trust Juli’s recipes online. This book is well written; and part of that means that recipes don’t fail.

I also love Juli’s attitude towards perfection with paleo… that is, she’s not. None of us are. And on days or events where you want a treat, she sure has you covered! I love her ingenious and unique ideas for recipes, like:
-Turkey Sliders over Avocado Slaw
-Roasted Grape Bacon-Wrapped Filet Mignon
-Sage Bison Burgers with Balsamic Bacon Apple Chutney
-Avocado Chorizo Sweet Potato Skins
-Broccoli Fritters
-Cuban Turkey Roll-Ups
-Peach and Basil Grilled Pork Chop
-Open Face Shrimp Burgers over Charred Plantains
-Cherry Jam Crepe Stack
-Maple Bacon Pecan Pumpkin Spice Donuts
-Sweet Potato Brownies with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, and
My favorite: Chocolate Coffee Caramel Bars

I love that OMG that’s PALEO? Includes her classic favorites from her blog, as well as new recipe. And OMG am I thankful she kept her charm and sense of humor for this cookbook that turns out to also be an awesome read!

5. Being dumfounded by all the eBook bundles

Don’t forget to check out the latest ebook bundle, Village Green Network Spring E-book Bundle! It’s featuring a ton of good information, including our BELOVED Skintervention Guide (review here)  and never before included in a bundle.


Essentially, you get all the rest of these books, for the cost of what just the Skintervention Guide would normally cost you:

        VGN Spring eBook Bundle at PaleoParents (1)VGN Spring eBook Bundle at PaleoParents (2)VGN Spring eBook Bundle at PaleoParents (5) VGN Spring eBook Bundle at PaleoParents (4) VGN Spring eBook Bundle at PaleoParents (3)  As usual, we’re not running this thing. So check-out the site for more info on what’s included, the rules, etc!

6. And… um, finishing a 300+ page book.

Seriously, y’all. If you’ve ever wondered, editing a book – a cookbook especially – is insanely difficult. And with the herculean effort we and our publisher make to get books to you in record-breaking times, the turn-around on doing the editing and all that jazz can be a bit… overwhelming. So, please have patience with us. We PROMISE we’ll be back to blogging soon. With insightful, witty, funny, entertaining things to say. GREAT things to giveaway in celebration and we’ll share the format/layout of INSIDE Beyond Bacon with the release of some of the amazing recipes! In the meantime, we’ve really tried to bring the best of the best to the site for you to enjoy with our new Review Team and Guest Posts. If you’re ever looking for us, check in on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – where we’re active daily.

And because there’s going to be 3 of you that say, “What book?” Let me share with you the info we’ve already published:

Beyond-Bacon-by-Stacy-Toth-and-Matt-McCarry-the-Paleo-Parents 740px

Whatcha think of our new cover? And Joel writing the foreword?!


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