We Wanna Be Your Homie!

It was brought to our attention that we were nominated for a The Homie awards over at The Kitchn. It’s an awesome honor and we’re very proud to represent both the Best Family & Kid Blog as well as the Best Healthy Cooking Blog! Wow – thank you! That said, can we ask a favor?

We’d LOVE your vote (if you like our blog) in the Best Family & Kid Blog category. There are some AWESOME fellow paleo bloggers in the Best Healthy Cooking Blog that we feel do an excellent job representing the movement as being delicious, healthful and beautiful foods. There are not, however, any top rated blogs focused on health in the Best Family & Kid Blog category.

The Homies Award for Best Family & Kid Blog to PaleoParents

Since winning this award garners much attention throughout the internet – not just in paleo circles – it would be fantastic if we as a community could rally to take over all of The Homies categories! So make sure you vote for a paleo person in Best Food Photography and Best Recipe Blog, too. Previous winners include The Clothes Make the Girl and Nom Nom Paleo – it is sincerely an honor to have been nominated aside the likes of them and the other fantastic bloggers nominated.

To ease your concerns about the complications of voting, you do need to register with The Kitchn. But, they won’t spam you and you can even use an existing Facebook or Twitter account to register. It took me less than 30 seconds to vote myself, so click this link and please go vote!

And, for those new to this blog because you found us listed as a nominee, here are some of our favorite on-topic posts!

Thanks to everyone – sincerely. It means so much that we are a part of your life and look forward to many more months & years together as an online family ♥

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