Weekend Wrap-Up 9/20

Every Saturday we bring you a blog rendition of some of our favorite things going on this week in our own world and in the paleo world at large in a Weekend Wrap-Up. Every week we will feature our favorite paleo recipes from our archives and from other paleo bloggers that are  on our minds lately, as well as a few coupons for products we personally love, and some suggested reading for things we found interesting this week. Let’s do this thing!

Real Life Paleo Is Printing!

This week was very busy! Each of our phones has had a few dozen calls from our publisher as we finally get our latest book, Real Life Paleo off to the printer. We’re extremely pleased with the results and excited for everyone to check it out!

And this news must have inspired you because somehow we ended up at the top of the Paleo New Releases as well!

number one in paleo books

To celebrate, we wanted to share something with you! We shared a HUGE SNEAK PEEK and our Cranberry Orange No Bake Coconut Bars from Real Life Paleo  last Tuesday!

Cranberry Orange (no bake) Coconut Bars from Real Life Paleo by PaleoParents

Remember! Pre-ordering guarantees the lowest price from now to November!

We’ve finally reached the point where we can’t add any more words to it. We consider this to be our masterpiece and can’t wait to share it with the world; we truly feel that nothing like this is out there and hope you love it too! And now it’s finally time for us to relax. We started this project almost a year ago and have been non-stop since. Before you read it on the last line of the book… this will be our last book, at least for a long while. We plan to spend a lot of time as a family doing fun things, without a camera, just for the fun of it.


What are we cooking these days?

Flavors of Fall: Butternut Squash Ice Cream andButter Pecan Apples

Flavors of Fall

Fall is definitely in the air. While there are still some warm days here and there lingering, we are getting these wonderful breezy days with just a touch of crisp air that hints towards cooler weeks ahead. I just love fall with everything from the changing leaves, to wearing scarves and boots, and of course the fall seasonal flavors. I’m also back on the Whole Life Challenge, so these two recipes will be making appearances a lot in the coming weeks. We created the recipe for our Butter Pecan Apples last time that we were on the Whole Life Challenge, and you can also read that post to find our what this challenge is all about. The recipe also happens to be 21 Day Sugar Detox freindly too, as is our recipe forButternut Squash Ice Cream (i.e. the Healthiest Ice Cream EVER) that we created. Since dates are a-ok on the Whole Life Challenge, we might add a few to our Butternut Squash Ice Cream recipe next time. Scared to try butternut squash because it can be tricky to peel and chop? Have no fear! Our team member, Katy, blogged this step-by-step tutorial on “How to Tackle a Butternut Squash” that will make it a breeze! (a cool fall breeze, that is!) 

The Best New Recipes in Paleo of the Week:

Just a few short years ago, paleo recipes were hard to find, but now there is such an abundance of great, real-food blogs. We hope you enjoy them!

Best recipes of the week 12

To see all these recipes, click on the links below:

Tomato-Less Marinara Sauce: A Nightshade-Free, Tomato Style Sauce by the amazing, talented Urban Poser
Seafood Stew by Virginia is for Hunter Gatherers 
Bacon Potato Noodle Home Fries by Inspiralized 
Coconut Flour Tortilla Wrap by Simone’s Kitchen
Carrot Cake Faux Oatmeal Cookies by Pastured Kitchen (use the non-dairy cream cheese recipe on our blog to make dairy-free)
Apple Pie Smoothie by Jessis’s Kitchen 
How to Tackle a Butternut Squash by Free Range Katy

Want more recipes from us?

check out our books

Coupons and Special Deals!


When we find deals on things we love and use anyway, we like to take advantage. So of course we pass on these great deals to you when we find them! Every week we’ll highlight some products we think you’ll find useful, interesting, or just plain awesome! Remember, you can always see what we recommend on our sidebar! We REALLY appreciate you shopping though the links on our blog or newsletter, as it supports the costs of running the blog without resorting to advertisers of things we can’t control.


dear kate coupon

Stacy is not ashamed to tell you guys that sometimes when working out, a momma needs a little extra coverage. Dear Kate’s undies are a lifesaver! They are fully lined, fit great, and still cute. Through September 30th you can get 25% off your first purchase at dearkates.com with code: PaleoParents25

strongwoman shirt

Have you seen our new Strong Woman Radio Shirts? Right now the website that we use for our customPaleo Parents t-shirts is offering free shipping on two items or more! Never to early to grab some early holiday presents….



one stop paleo shop cupon

The cool cavepeople at OneStopPaleoShop.com gave us an exclusive coupon discount for 15% off your next order on their site with coupon code: PALEOPARENTS . You can check out all their Paleo-friendly products here. 

Pete's Paleo New Meal Lines

 Pete’s Paleo Meal Service now has a line of 21 Day Sugar Detox approved meals, Wahls Paleo Meals AND a Gut Healing KIT! How awesome is that? You can also get 5% off total order with our discount code: thepaleoview .


new sox box

Need some workout socks and want to support soldiers? Stacy’s favorite brand from thesoxbox.com gave us the discount code for 5% off your order with code: “stronglikestacy”(plus 20% goes to wounded veterans!). 

What are we reading and cooking this week?

The Zenbelly Cookbook


You know how some people have a good book or magazine on their bedside table to read before going to bed? Well, we tend to do that with cookbooks. Seriously, we browse through cookbooks before going to bed, searching for new recipes to try and food photography inspiration. #foodienerds ! This week we hosted Simone on our blog to share a recipe for Coffee Rubbed Flat Iron Fajitas and so we pulled her book off our shelf to thumb through it and look for something fun to make soon. Since Stacy stays away from nightshades, we were looking for something fall-inspired that would be exciting for our taste buds and something totally different from our usual staples. This recipe for Pan Roasted Chicken with Bacon and Apples looks right up our alley! I just love how Simone takes a “before” shot of the ingredients in the recipe. She shows how simple it is to take a few real-food ingredients and create a gourmet dish. 

apple and chicken


Upcoming Events:

Farewell Potluck Party for The Domestic Man Family

russ leaving

As much as we are in denial, Russ and family from The Domestic Man are relocating with the Navy to Florida in early October *sad face*. So, what better way to say farwell than with a giant potluck?!

RULE: YOU MUST BRING A DISH FROM THEDOMESTICMAN.COM or HIS BOOK THE ANCESTRAL TABLE (or else bring something to drink) If you make a dish with rice or dairy (even butter) please label it as such for those of us with food intolerances. Labeling nightshades (peppers, spicy herbs, tomatoes, eggplant, and white potato) as well as nuts is super helpful too! Best yet, label the dish with the name and ingredients (if you’re an overachiever). 
BONUS! Mickey Trescott from AutoimmunePaleo.com will also be in town – so you’ll have AT LEAST 3 bloggers with cookbooks in attendance. Feel free to bring your books to get signed! Don’t stress out about cooking for us, we’ll likely be the ones to screw something up 😉

Look forward to seeing you all and wishing Russ and family a fond farewell (or perhaps we’ll duct tape them here so they can’t leave). Make sure you RSVP to the party HERE. 

Instagram ♥

There’s also been a lot going on over on Instagram, go check it out so you don’t miss out! You can catch glimpses of our every day life, with plenty of heavy lifting, our boys being #totesadorbs and all the delicious things that Matt cooks for our family!

insta grid

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