TPV Podcast, Episode 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism

Our seventy-fourth show! Ep. 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism

In this episode, Stacy and Sarah continue their paleo philosophy conversation with paleo perfectionism as the main theme. You can listen to parts onetwothreefour and five of the paleo philosophy conversation via the links.

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 74: Paleo Philosophy Part 6, Perfectionism

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 0:47 – News & Views
    • Stacy and Sarah chatted about the US News and World Reports 2014 diet rankings
      • Robb’s thoughts
      • Cordain’s thoughts
      • Sarah notes that the growth of the movement is evidence to the contrary
      • Stacy points out that the rankings were clearly based on USDA’s recommendations and how closely a diet complies with those recommendations
      • There are so many nuances to the diet that confounds these types of measurements – all the diets that paleo is being ranked against have prescriptive structures to them
      •  All the other diets on the list are focused on weight-loss only, not on health or healing
    • Stacy has been crazy busy between work and the launch of the e-book, she also had a busy weekend as she was away in Virginia Beach for a book signing that turned out excellent
    • Stacy is also back into Strong(wo)Man training and enjoying it immensely – she officially registered for her gym’s March women’s only competition and has been setting crazy PRs during training sessions
    • Stacy is completing a Whole Life Challenge, learn more about it here
    • Sarah and Stacy talked about Kresser’s Fox & Friends segment
    • Stacy learned that she is the broth lady amongst her fans, which leads Sarah to believe that she is the liver lady – leave a comment and let Sarah know
    • Sarah’s daughter turned seven over the weekend, and they attended three other birthday parties
    • Sarah also got to go to a yoga class over the weekend, which was a nice surprise addition to her calendar and it helped with her stress levels
    • Sarah shared on how her weight training is going
    • Denise Minger is coming on the show next week – Sarah is currently reading her book and enjoying it so much
    • Sarah launched a new Facebook group called The Paleo Approach Community
  • 46:03 – Paleo Perfectionism
    • Matt and Stacy recently shared on what their paleo pantry looks like and the paleo police instantly came out of the wood works – remember, this is the kind of behavior that turns people off to paleo, this is hypocritical behavior
    • For most people living a paleo lifestyle with 100% perfectionism 100% of the time is not realistic or sustainable
    • Context matters and individual needs matter, people will make their own choices based on those pieces – if you can’t appreciate that, you do not understand the pillars of a paleo approach to life
    • We all need to be supportive of other’s decisions that lead them to better health
    • Worry about your own plate – your own body is what you are responsible for
    • There is a point where this kind of behavior evolves into disordered behavior in the form of orthorexia
    • Be aware of your behaviors, your food choices, and if/how you judge others for their decisions
    • Be sure to listen to these two shows (episode 36 and episode 43) where additional information is offered on eating disorders
    • Both Stacy and Sarah strongly believe in the paleo lifestyle as a mechanism to be healthy, and a lot of those things have to do with mental health and taking care of yourself physically in ways that don’t have to do with food
    • The reason why you can never be cured of an eating disorder is because you will always be exposed to food, and will always have to make choices unique to your needs
    • There is no room for the paleo perfectionism mentality – be supportive and offer suggestions instead of judging and making someone feel bad
    • Understand the impact that words can have
  • There are some really great guests lined up for the next couple of weeks!
    • Denise Minger next week
    • Chris Kresser talking about his new book the following week
    • And the show after that will feature Tamar (The Paleo Mom’s assistant) and Katy (the Paleo Parent’s assistant)
  • If you are finding this show through Be Well Radio be sure to leave a comment and let us know
  • Don’t forget to leave those review in iTunes
  • And be sure to sign up for both Stacy’s and Sarah’s newsletters
  • 1:13:54 – Outro

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