Enter to Join Us on an Upcoming Episode of The Paleo View!

Announcing the First Listener-Joined Episode of The Paleo View!

Do you have questions about transitioning yourself or your family to paleo and want to pick our brains? Would you like to join us on The Paleo View? Well, this is your opportunity!!

This week’s The Paleo View podcast episode is our Paleo 101 Show. In this episode, we go through the basics of the paleo diet and explain the whys behind the various aspects of what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Next week will be Paleo 102, which covers more of the lifestyle aspects of paleo. What we’re looking for, though, is someone to join us on the 3rd and final part of our Intro to Paleo series, who is new to the whole scene and filled with lots of questions they’d like to ask.

For that 3rd part of the series, we are inviting two lucky listeners to join us on The Paleo View to ask us questions about the paleo diet, implementation, and transition. Yes, two lucky listeners get to pick our brains for a whole hour!

If you would like to join us on The Paleo View, you must:

  1. Be relatively new to paleo (or completely new to paleo!), have lots of questions, and be comfortable sharing your (clean rated) voice with the world;
  2. Listen to our Paleo 101 episode of The Paleo View and have a fairly good grasp of the major concepts behind the paleo diet;
  3. Be available to record via a Skype on Sunday December 16th at 8pm ET for about 1 hour (preferably, we’d like you to be familiar with Skype and, perhaps, own a headset or headphones to prevent echo).

How do you enter?

We’re so glad you asked! To enter:

  1. Leave a comment on this post explaining a little bit about who you are, what questions you have, and why you would like to join us on The Paleo View (just a couple of paragraphs, no essays please).
  2. Make sure to include your email address so that we can contact the winner.
  3. Start campaigning your fellow The Paleo View fans for the opportunity to represent them on the podcast!

How do you win?

  1. Get the most “likes” of all the comments on this post.
  2. To vote for someone that you think would do a great job asking questions on our podcast, “vote up” their comment below.

The comment with the most likes by the end of the day Thursday, December 13th will be invited to join us on the podcast. One commenter will be selected from each blog (The Paleo Mom and Paleo Parents). You are welcome to enter on one or both blogs.


What if you have a question but don’t want to be on the show? You can also suggest questions for others to ask on your behalf by replying in the comments below. Or if you have another question for the podcast, you can submit it here.


Please note, any inappropriate commenters or negative campaigning against fellow commenters will make you ineligible for joining us on the podcast – we like friendly, upbeat guests!

Now go, share this post with your friends to try and get the most likes!

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