Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Not too long ago I was diligently picking up my Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil from For Goodness Sake in Leesburg, VA. Per usual, the boys and I were shopping around for good finds like Sea Snax full sheets, US Wellness Meats sticks, and spicy fermented salsa. The Paleo godfathers were singing harmoniously, until check-out. Where an adorable basket of gluten-free cookies sat.

Like usual, I picked up each package of the various brand and then set them back down. It’s a ritual: “soy” this “rice flour” that, never any temptation when I know there’s junk in them. And then I found the Sami’s Bakery Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies. Hmm, I thought. I picked up the package, hesitated from the condensed milk, and then decided to splurge as the store assistant told me they were delish.

And delicious they were! They were like a chewy macaroon – a flavorful, slightly sweet soft cookie. With a toasted coconut crunch in every bite. Shockingly, they were egg-free, too. Since there’s been a huge request from you guys for more egg-free recipes (might I mention you should look into some gut healing protocols to see if you can’t reverse that allergy), I wanted to try to recreate them without the cow’s milk – so the boys could have them, too.

We owe a large thank you to Facebook page fans and Sunny on this one. Thanks to the group for recommending using an already established recipe for sweetened condensed milk. I then diligently went home to my test kitchen – where I found the And Love It Too post on making vegan sweetened condensed [coconut] milk (see we DO have things in common with vegans!).

This is absolutely the “secret” to this recipe! I made mine with maple syrup – because that’s one of our standard replacement for agave. But for the cookies you can use any version you’d like.

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies
An Egg-Free and Vegan Recipe!

1 C unsweetened coconut flakes
1 C blanched almond flour
1/4 C Sunny’s Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk (we suggest replacing the agave with maple syrup)
1 Tbsp vanilla

1/4 C mini chocolate chips

  1. ♥ Mix the coconut and almond flour together until coconut is evenly distributed
  2. ♥ Add milk and vanilla and stir until dough forms
  3. ♥ Fold in chocolate chips
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until edges turn golden

Makes 4 HUGE super low-sugar cookies. They’re perfect with a warm beverage for dunking. I’d give you a warning about how dangerously good they are, but with the low sugar content and healthy coconut… well, I’ll just say – enjoy this grain-free goodie without the guilt!

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