We’re On TV with Mini Corn Dog Muffins from Real Life Paleo

Just a few days ago Stacy recived an incredibly exciting invitation to come on Let’s Talk Live (our local ABC channel) to talk about her participation in the upcoming health conference, Take Back Your Health (use code TBYH2014 for $15 off), and share some recipes from Real Life Paleo! Since we love this recipe enough to share it with a television audience, we wanted to share it with you, too! But really, the focus of the segment is on the health conference, where Stacy will be speaking about our unique recommendation for people to transition to Paleo using a 3 Phased Approach to “going paleo” instead of the all or nothing 30 day approach. Heck, among the many leaders in the movement who endorsed Real Life Paleo and the 3 Phased Approach, even Robb Wolf gave it a thumbs up:

For years I have been telling people to just give Paleo a try for 30 days to see how they look, feel, and perform. For those who struggle with that approach, Real Life Paleo is finally a legit alternative to jumping all in at once. The 3 Phased Approach and accompanying recipes will get you started on your path to health and wellness at a pace to set you up for long-term success. – Robb Wolf, NYT Bestselling Author of The Paleo Solution

If you want more info on Real Life Paleo, click the image above!

OK, so as we prepared for this big event (you know, collecting a zillion food props, pre-measuring ingredients for cute little bowls, cooking the recipe multiple times to have it prepared as a final product on the show, etc.) nerves set in. We’ve been on tv before but NOT LIVE TV. And although often the “face” of the blog, Stacy doesn’t cook – talk about being nervous! Did we mention LIVE TV?!

The good news was, our friend Susan (also speaking at TBYH) from Polyface Farms are also on the segment! We were happy to be partnering with Polyface, who is run by Joel Salatin (a farming hero who happens to be local to us), to talk about the health benefits of pastured meat. He actually wrote the foreword to Beyond Bacon, which has a huge focus on sustainably raised pastured meat. Their fantastic pastured eggs and real ingredient hot dogs work perfectly in our featured recipe, Mini Corn Dog Muffins.

Mini Corn Dog Muffins and Cauli-Tots from Real Life Paleo by PaleoParents

Although we didn’t get to discuss them, we chose to feature some of the more on-the-go, snack friendly, easy and fun recipes from Real Life Paleo to showcase how very down-to-earth the book is. It’s not just fancy breakfasts, dinner entrees, and treats. The book is really how our family eats with over 175 recipes, spanning from fancy holiday spreads to on-the-go weekday snacks. The Pizza Kale Chips and Coconut Cream Snack Balls can be found in Real Life Paleo, which releases November 4th. But you can make the Mini Corn Dog Muffins today!

Mini Corn Dog Muffins from Real Life Paleo

Rating: 51

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Yield: 36 Muffins



  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease 36 cups of 2 mini muffin pans, or line the cups with paper liners.
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, sift together the flours, salt, and baking soda.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, eggs, coconut oil, and vinegar, making sure that the yolks are broken and incorporated.
  4. Slowly whisk the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until a batter forms.
  5. Spoon about 1 tablespoon of the batter into each muffin cup, and then press a slice of hot dog into each muffin.
  6. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until the tops just begin to brown. Allow to cool in the pans for 10 minutes before turning out onto a plate. Store refrigerated in an airtight container for up to a week.

Want a look behind the scenes of Stacy’s first LIVE TV show? Thanks to her sister Abby and husband-in-shiney armor, we’ve got a few to share!

 Full Set of Lets Talk Live with Stacy of Paleo Parents about Real Life PaleoBeing on set was surreal, but fun! I can’t imagine with an audience…
I was so sweaty from the lights and frantic from quick set-up and break down!

Paleo Parents Setting up for Lets Talk Live about Real Life PaleoIt took a crew to get everything set-up in a short commercial break!
Thanks to Cindy from TBYH and Susan from Polyface as well as my sister Abby and awesome husband, Matt ♥

Matt from Paleo Parents Setting up for Lets Talk Live about Real Life PaleoYes, he cooks, cleans and carries heavy things. You can’t have him, he’s mine.

Set for Lets Talk Live about Real Life Paleo with Paleo Parents

All of our book babies ♥ #proudmama
Buy Eat Like a Dinosaur and Beyond Bacon today, Real Life Paleo is available November 4th, 2014.

Set for Lets Talk Live about Real Life Paleo with PaleoParents

Finished with left than a minute to spare, just in time to get our mics clipped on!

Stacy of Paleo Parents prepped for Lets Talk Live about Real Life Paleo

This is my “I am so uncomfortable with cooking on camera” face.

Watching Diana Nyad on Lets Talk Live set for Paleo Parents

We got to watch and listen to Diana Nyad talk as we set-up.

Mini Corn Dog Muffins for Lets Talk Live from Real Life Paleo by PaleoParents

Cooking, talking, and remembering to look at the camera is something that’s going to take some practice!

 Susan of Polyface and Stacy of PaleoParents on Lets Talk Live

Thanks to WJLA for having us and to Susan for being poignant and on-target while I stuttered;
special thanks to Cindy from TBYH for organizing – come to the conference to hear and learn more!

Susan of Polyface and Stacy of Paleo Parents on Lets Talk Live

If you want to watch the video of Stacy bumbling through how to make food on live TV, click here for the full video:

Stacy on Lets Talk Live about Real Life Paleo by Paleo Parents

Here are a few products we used that we got questions on via social media:

Live TV Wrap from Stacy of Paleo Parents about Real Life Paleo

 And that’s a wrap!

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