The Whole View, Episode 400: Modern Science and a Real Life Approach to Health

Welcome to episode 400 of what was The Paleo View, and today launches into new branding as The Whole View! Join Stacy of Real Everything and Dr. Sarah of The Paleo Mom as they bust myths and answer your questions about a non-toxic lifestyle, nutrient-dense diet, Autoimmune Protocol, and parenting.

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The Whole View, Episode 400: Modern Science and a Real Life Approach to Health

Oh my gosh, Sarah, it happened! (0:27)

Episode 400!!

Sarah and Stacy have been talking about updating the show to reflect what they have been doing for a really long time.

Special thanks to Sarah and her team who came up with the new name, The Whole View.

It is the same show, featuring the same people, but with an update to the branding.

Sarah noted that they started this conversation a few months ago.

They looked at the timeline and thought it would be great to use the 400th episode milestone to refresh the name and branding to reflect what they are already doing.

The show has evolved and gone through the same types of changes that both Stacy and Sarah have also gone through.

It has grown to reflect a broader perspective than how they started.

The timing to update how they present the show couldn’t have been better.

One thing that has stood true for the test of time is that Stacy and Sarah’s show is all about whole, nutrient-dense foods.

There is a much broader perspective about what goes into the lifestyle factors.

The word paleo holds a lot of associations with it.

There is a lot more to what Stacy and Sarah represent, which has a lot to do with the research that is shared in every episode, every week.

Stacy and Sarah wanted to bring that to listeners in a holistic format.


The Whole Approach

The word whole carries a lot of meaning to Stacy and Sarah.

Sarah explained why this word so perfectly describes where they are now.

They have always been dedicated to providing listeners with only science-backed information.

Presenting a balanced and nuanced approach has always been a high priority.

Bioinidivudality is an important component to healthy living, as there is more than one way to achieve an optimally healthy nutrient-dense diet.

Stacy and Sarah are still focused on being real and sharing their real lives, ideas, solutions, tips, and strategies.

If you have been listening to this show for a long time, it will not be any different for you.

You will see a new photo on iTunes.

If you are new to the show, Stacy hopes that you love the approach that they take to always be down to earth, but also not make assumptions about how you absorb science.

Stacy and Sarah empower listeners with the knowledge so that they can make the choice.

Not all of this is about food either.

Stacy and Sarah have tackled so many things on this show.

There is such a variety of things that go into living a healthy life and feeling your best.

Stacy’s goal with every episode is to set listeners up with the tools so that they can feel their best.

The hosts aim to inspire listeners so that they can live their best life.

The Whole View is about empowerment.

Sarah doesn’t just cherry-pick the science to support whatever narrative she wants to communicate.

She looks at the science to understand the contradictions, within the scientific evidence, and how it typically implies some kind of context.

Stacy and Sarah will never tell you that they are perfect or that it is easy to implement a healthy lifestyle.

They are going to be upfront and honest about their own struggles, setbacks, and how they apply this information to parenting.


The Evolution

Stacy and Sarah have been recording this podcast for seven and a half years. (10:25)

When they first began their kids were very young and they were just introducing them to a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory approach.

Now Stacy has smelly boy, teenagers.

This has been a journey, and they hope to continue sharing that journey with listeners.


Behind the Scenes

Sarah and Stacy want to be timely in the information they are providing.

They want to be responsive to what is going on in the world.

One of the ways that they achieve this is by having a quick turnaround on their shows.

Stacy and Sarah record on Tuesday mornings (usually), and that show goes live on Friday.

This allows them to ensure that the content is still timely.

In the health podcast space, you much more commonly see people batch produce their podcasts.

This allows Stacy and Sarah to address what is happening in the news and what is trending on social media.

They are also able to address listener questions very quickly.

Don’t forget, the best way to reach Stacy and Sarah are through their individual contact forms on their sites here and here.

You can also reach out to them on social media, but email works great since this prevents the message from getting lost in the shuffle of social media.

When a question comes in via email, it also allows Stacy and Sarah to position the question so that it relates to many listeners.


Show Topics

Stacy and Sarah aim to present information that is relatable, sustainable, and something that you walk away with feeling prepared to implement ideas.

When it comes to topics, Stacy and Sarah look to a bunch of different inspiration sources.

They then try to tackle a narrow enough topic that they can take a deep dive into it.

From there, it is all about being able to take a step back to talk about emotions, implementation, and effects.

At any one time, Stacy and Sarah have four to ten topics in the hopper with an overall idea about what is coming in the next month.

This allows them to build in series so that topics can flow from one episode to the next.

They also will utilize an FAQ format to host follow up episodes.

Some times they have to create space for a show based on the number of questions that come in.


Show Prep

Between Stacy and Sarah, they spend somewhere into the teens in the number of hours that go into researching, brainstorming, and note prep.

Show notes tend to be between seven to eight pages long.

Stacy feels more educated and prepared thanks to these show notes.

The information in those outlines also allows them to translate it further across their platforms.

The hope is that the show notes serve as a reference point for both listeners and their family and friends so that they can refer others to that information.

The goal is for the information to stand the test of time.

Sarah puts links to the scientific references in the show notes.

This allows her to evolve the content as the science evolves.

Regardless of how listeners prefer to learn, Stacy and Sarah strive to present the information in as many ways as possible to help listeners retain all that they are learning about.

A few years ago, there was a moment that led Stacy and Sarah to stop incorporating guests into the show format.

Stacy and Sarah knew that they needed to hold true to their standards.

Early on the show was heavy on guest interviews and book and product reviews.

However, they realized that they could provide more value to listeners than marketing plugs.

In 2019, Stacy and Sarah began incorporating brands, when appropriate.

They only invite brands they personally use, to sponsor shows, with the goal of getting listeners special deals. 

It is very rare that they suggest products.

They instead recommend products as a tool that can help with a lifestyle component.

Sarah shared more on the ways in which the market evolved when people clung on to fad dieting approaches.

Stacy shared more about how and why they reach out to brands.


The Process

What Stacy thinks is the best part of the show is that they begin recording right from the start. (29:20)

The recordings include all of what Stacy and Sarah talk about before and after the show.

This content always makes for great bloopers.

Stacy and Sarah are personal friends in real life, and the comedy dynamic is a lot of fun.

At that point, they hand the recording over to Stacy’s husband, Matt.

Matt produces the show, edits the content, adds in music, and takes out the background cat noises.

He has been doing this since the very beginning and has been their silent partner through it all.

Stacy thanked Matt for all he does, and Sarah echoed that gratitude.

Sarah noted that they could not do this show without Matt.

He puts so much work into each episode.

Monica is the other team member, and she has been doing show notes for years.

She has come in and out a couple of times but has been the longest-running podcast member other than Stacy, Sarah, and Matt.

Monica takes the show notes and creates an outline for listeners to access on Stacy and Sarah’s blogs.

She also listens to make sure that no further edits are needed.

Once Monica is done with the notes, Sarah’s team gets ahold of the notes and Nicole (Sarah’s graphic designer) creates the images for the social media shares.

And then it goes out to the world.

Matt finishes his part of the process on Tuesday night, the audio goes to Monica on Wednesday, and Sarah’s team gets the information on Friday.

Sarah’s team has hours to turn the visuals around, and Stacy gives huge props to Sarah’s group for their work.


Always There For You

Stacy and Sarah are super proud to have never missed a recording for this weekly show.

If one of them are traveling, they come up with a timeline and a plan so that they can both be on every episode.

As much as Stacy and Sarah are committed to this process, the teams are equally as committed to getting this content to listeners.

Huge shout out to Matt, Monica, Nicole and everyone else on Sarah’s team who helps with this process.

Stacy isn’t aware of any other podcasts that handle their podcast creation like this.


Thank You

If you appreciate the work that goes into this and love the show, please leave a review on all platforms where you listen to this show.

The more reviews that come into the hosting platforms, the more accessible this show becomes to other listeners who may have not found the show otherwise.

Stacy cannot thank you enough if you have already left a review.

Please do an update to the review if you can.

This will really help to get the word out as the new branding is pushed out into the podcast spaces.

Be sure to also tell Stacy and Sarah on social media what you think of the new name.

Thank you, listeners, for tuning in and for being a part of this journey.

Stacy always thinks of this community of listeners as her family.

Both Stacy and Sarah are so grateful to have had so many people on this journey with them for so long.

Stacy sent a big virtual hug to those who have been along for the ride.

The one thing that has stood true is all the listeners who have been supportive and have been with Stacy and Sarah every single week.

Sarah seconded this.

When Stacy and Sarah meet someone who is a podcast listener, there is always an instant connection that is completely different from others they meet.

We are truly a community of like-minded people.

Sarah wanted to say a huge thank you for engaging with this space, for being such amazing contributors and for everything that you do to support us.

Thank you for tuning in!

Stacy and Sarah will of course, as always, be back again next week! (43:33)

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