Strong Woman Radio, Episode 50, Utilizing Starting Strongman

SWR New Strong Woman Radio 50 Utilizing starting strongman

Welcome to Strong Woman Radio, a sanctuary free of testosterone (except for a few special guests), where ladies who like to lift heavy things can chitchat about the struggles and success that comes with being a woman in a male dominated sport. We welcome listeners of all sports, be it strongman, Crossfit, olympic lifting or more; but be warned we don’t like running very much unless we are carrying or dragging something heavy while we do it.

DON’T FORGET TO download, subscribe to and listen to the previous episodes! And as you get familiar with the show, leave those reviews and ratings in iTunes, and send us your questions and comments via the comment form, which can be found here.

Enjoy the show and lift on ladies!

Episode 50, Utilizing Starting Strongman

  • Intro (0:00)
  • Latest & Greatest (1:16)
    • Welcome to episode 50!
    • Stacy and Vivian are also on Periscope while recording this episode
    • Stacy is preparing to leave for a place that doesn’t speak english, and the only other place outside of the US that she has been is Canada
      • She can’t remember a time where she has ever fully disconnected from work or social media, and she thinks it will be really good for her
      • She will have to learn to relax
    • When Stacy returns she will begin training at a local CrossFit gym, joining their Strongman training classes
    • Vivian and Stacy will also be attending this upcoming Strongman Seminar
      • Come on out to the seminar if you are in the area
    • Stacy survived Vivian’s birthday party
    • This week on The Paleo View (Stacy’s other podcast), they are covering this article from the New York Times
      • What you need to remember about this study and what it teaches us about weight loss and maintenance
      • Stacy is not surprised by what the study revealed, it is information we have been told for years
      • How food and lifestyle effects hormones – this study only supports that
  • Stuff Happening on the Internet (13:15)
  • Utilizing Starting Strongman
  • Powerlifting (26:20)
    • Taking steroids to get better
    • A video from Meg Squats on the presence of steroids in body building and competitive lifting
    • Stacy and Vivian’s thoughts on a fair fight
    • Make safe and informed choices
    • Feeling the feels
  • Stay strong everyone!
  • Outro (35:48)

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