Stacy’s Weekly Wrap-Up, Mar 8th: Cleaner Beauty Edition!

Firstly, Happy International Women’s Day! I am so grateful for the amazing people in my life who have inspired, uplifted, and supported me and my small (woman-owned) business! I recently got back from another trip to California to celebrate…

Celebrating 10 Years of Safer Beauty: Past, Present, and Future!

We are celebrating 10 years of safer beauty and health protective laws with Beautycounter this March Fo(u)rth! In my almost seven years with Beautycounter, it has been incredible to see the progress not only within the company, but also…

Stacy’s Weekly Wrap-Up, Mar 2nd: Matt’s 42!

There’s so much to celebrate! I’m currently in California kicking-off Beautycounter’s 10th Anniversary of Marching Fo(u)rth to put safer products into the hands of everyone (can’t wait to share more with you all month long). Before we celebrate better…

Non-Toxic Scalp & Hair Health (Class & Products)

My hair is the longest and healthiest it’s been since I graduated high school! With 3 pregnancies and nursings, nutrient deficiencies from chronic dieting, and autoimmune diseases, my hair was a struggle. It used to fall out so much…

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