Guest Post: Paleo Spicy Tuna Rolls by Studio Snacks

It’s time for another Guest Blogger! Today we would like to introduce you to Cherry, of Studio Snacks. After discovering her viral-post of grain-free, nut-free perfect burger buns we have loved stalking her Instagram account since! Annd her blog is equally intriguing. Cherry’s food blog focuses on “vegetable-forward” meals made great by locally sourced produce and a pantry free of most major allergens including wheat, dairy, soy and grains.

When she says “vegetable-forward” she means “the idea that it’s time for the vegetables of the plate to shine.” Cherry is a perfect example of a person who doesn’t like to define herself by any one specific dietary philosophy, but identifies most with the Paleo template because of it’s focus on whole, unprocessed, locally sourced food. Her diet is more vegetable heavy than meat heavy like the stereotypical “caveman carnivore” persona that most people tend to associate with people who call themselves “Paleo.”  While you will find recipes for pork, chicken, seafood, and beef on her website, she really loves to play up the vegetables as the star of the dish, giving them the attention they deserve! (sound like anyone you know? #morevegetablesthanavegetarian)

We hope you love her recipe for Paleo Spicy Tuna Rolls with step-by-step pictures to help you make them perfect, because we can’t wait to make them oursevles! 


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Although I myself digest white rice very well (mostly thanks to my own Chinese genetics) and do eat it in moderation a couple times a week as part of my personal Paleo code, many of my readers here in the Western hemisphere seeking to following a Paleo lifestyle choose to avoid it because it either doesn’t digest very easily for them or it causes a carbohydrate spike. So in keeping with my grain-free model here on Studio Snacks, I’m sharing this riceless tuna roll, inspired by my love of both Korean Kimbap and Japanese Sushi. This recipe for Paleo Spicy Tuna Rolls is packed full of nutritious, satisfying and fresh ingredients, making it very filling and a wholesome meal in itself. It’s also kid-friendly (just opt out the hot sauce) and summer approved as you can make these ahead for a picnic or a beach outing. They’re perfect leftovers for packing work lunches because there’s no rice to worry about hardening in fridge. No sticky fingers either– Chopsticks right into the mouth.

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Paleo Spicy Tuna Rolls by Studio Snacks



  1. Combine all ingredients but the avocado oil in a large glass bowl. Having a towel under helps if you're doing this on your own (using your dominate hand to whisk and the other to pour oil). Whisk the ingredients while slowly SLOWLY pouring the avocado oil in. No rush. Keep at it until you achieve a light yellow and thickish mayo. Refer to Michelle's mayo video to see how it's done. Depending on the temperature of where you're at, your mayo might be runny if it's warm (like mine is above). No worries, just chill it in the fridge until cold, whisk again and it will stiffen up. Keep your mayo chilled in the fridge until ready to use.
  2. Next up is preparing your egg sheets. Here's how you setup should look: Have a large fry pan at the ready (mine is 8" inches in diameter on the bottom, meaning my egg sheets will also be 8" in diameter) grease it with just the slightest bit of coconut oil, then wipe dry with a piece of paper towel. Have your 8 eggs, a small bowl and whisking utensil ready, we're going to crack them one by one as we go.
  3. To begin, bring your pan to a medium heat, whisk your first egg and pour it in. Immediately swirl your egg around to cover the entire pan's bottom. If your egg isn't sticking and keeps following your movements, your pan is too cold. If your egg is freaking out and bubbling like crazy, your pan is too hot.
  4. When the surface of your egg is nearly dry, time to flip. Release the sides with a silicone spatula, and push your pan up and down to make sure the whole sheet is loose and ready to go. To flip it, the best tool to use is your pinchin' fingers to grab. As soon as the sheet hits the other side, it only needs about 5 seconds before you can slide it off the pan and onto a plate. Repeat this process until you have 8 sheets.
  5. To make the spicy tuna, chop your scallions finely and mince your onion. Combine this with the tuna (drained), mayo, sriracha, raw honey and sesame oil with a fork. If you got canned tuna that was unsalted, add 1/4 teaspoon fish sauce here. Taste this mixture until it's perfect to your tastes before you go further.
  6. Prepare your persian cucumbers by splitting each into halves two times, so that one cucumber yields 8 even pieces. Lay out the sesame seeds, lettuce and avocados as shown above so everything's ready when you roll. Important but not shown is a small cup of water (we'll need it for sealing each roll).
  7. Arrange in the order of: seaweed, egg, lettuce, tuna, 2 long cucumber pieces, 1/4 avocado (so half of an avocado half), 1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds. Make sure to orient your filling stuff to the bottom half so it's easier to contain when we roll. Take very important note that the egg has to be placed about half an inch below the top of the seaweed in the first step to allow room for sealing.
  8. Roll the bottom quickly up to the top, until you reach that space we left on the top. Here, dab your fingers with a bit of water across the top (space shown in the photo on the left) and then roll over to seal. Sit the rolls down on the sealed side to keep it tight. Some fillings will try to escape from the sides sometimes, just use your finger to push them back into the roll! At this point, I like to keep all of my rolls for about 15 minutes in the fridge to give it time to stiffin up just a bit.
  9. Cut each roll into 8 pieces, the pieces furthest to the left and right will be fairly janky and fall apart easily, I usually toss those in a separate tupperware to eat later on because they're just as delicious. But each roll's center should yield 6 handsome pieces otherwise. 8 rolls will yield you 48 handsome pieces... Enough to serve 4 hungry people with 12 pieces each or 8 kids with 6 pieces each.
  10. Don't forget to sprinkle additional toasted sesame seeds on the cut pieces before you serve. I personally never eat these with any kind of dipping sauce, because that's the point of the spicy tuna.. it's super flavorful!
  11. Enjoy!!


There are two special ingredients here— Homemade Mayo and Homemade Sriracha. I used Michelle Tam (Nom Nom Paleo)'s recipes for both of these. I HIGHLY recommend making your own mayo as nearly all of the mayo on the market today are currently made with nasty junk oils! My favorite is walnut oil. I splurge on it because I don't make mayo very often anyway.

Cherry from Studio Snacks

 Connect with Cherry!







[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Cherry Lau is a full time sculpture student at the Maryland Institute College of Art, with concentrations in Ceramics and Sustainability/Social Practice. She has a passion for food in all kinds and forms but feels most at home with the Paleo philosophy because of its focus on wholesome non-processed meals. Plus, she thinks the Paleo community has some of the most supportive/positive individuals she’s ever encountered. On Studio Snacks, she she shares primarily plant-based recipes from a grain, dairy and sugar-free pantry. She was born in Hong Kong, raised in New York City and currently resides in Baltimore, MD.[/author_info] [/author]



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