Guest Post: Lexi’s Clean Kitchen, Sea Salt Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles

I (Stacy) can tell you that without a doubt, I am going to be begging Matt to make this recipe for me soon! You guys know how much I like chocolate and sea salt, right? Not only is this recipe from Lexi super simple, it has only a handful of ingredients, and most of these we have on hand all the time anyway. These would be perfect to make for an at-home date night, or make a double or triple batch for a party! Or for that one time of the month when I want to eat all the salt and chocolate (JUST SAYIN’!) We hope you love this awesome, amazingly simple recipe from Lexi and check out her adorable blog, Lexi’s Clean Kitchen


Hi Everyone! I’m Lexi from over at Lexi’s Clean Kitchen, and I am so thrilled to be here guest posting for you all today. Stacy and Matt constantly amaze me; they have, and continue to transform their family for the better, and I admire how real they are with their readers about doing so. I began my clean eating, gluten-free, dairy-free, and paleo-friendly lifestyle over a year and a half ago to improve my energy and my quality of life, heal my gut, and work on a whole list of other things! Through this lifestyle I have, and continue to work towards, a balanced and healthy life.

Last month on my blog I made these Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars that turned out to be a huge hit. Not only did they go over huge in my house, but all of you guys who have made them couldn’t get enough, either. That being said, I knew there ought to be more variations of this creamy dairy-free cheesecake in our future!

These truffles are the perfect little bite-size poppers. Total portion control if you can eat just one or two. Creamy, light, and perfect for that nighttime treat!

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Sea Salt Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles

Yield: 12-14 Truffles



  1. Soak cashews in water overnight
  2. In the morning, drain water and rinse cashews
  3. Transfer cashews to high-speed blender and add your sweetener and salt
  4. Blend until smooth (taste and add sweetness as desired)
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or use a mini donut pan)
  6. Roll cheesecake filling into balls and place in donut pan or on parchment paper
  7. Place in freezer for 30 minutes
  8. Once hardened, melt chocolate and carefully dip cheesecake balls into chocolate
  9. Set them on parchment paper; sprinkle with coarse sea salt and place in refrigerator
  10. Store in refrigerator or freezer

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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]×740.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Lexi is a healthy food blogger sharing gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo recipes that are simple to prepare, delicious, and nutrient-dense! Lexi’s Clean Kitchen is a blog that aims to help others achieve a balanced lifestyle- free of limitations![/author_info] [/author]

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