Guest Post, Karen from Living Low Carb, One Day at a Time: Blueberry Cobbler Ice Cream

This week we’re visited by Karen of Living Low Carb One Day at a Time, who is sharing her journey to reach her goal weight and all the delicious foods she is enjoying along the way.

We found Karen through her egg-free, grain-free breakfast book, Awaken, and are glad we did because this recipe (and all of her creations!) are awesome!

Today Karen shares her recipe for a seasonal treat, Blueberry Cobbler Ice Cream. Enjoy!


Summertime means berries are in the peak of freshness and the local farms have a lot of berries available.  Right now blueberries are overflowing my CSA each week and I look forward to coming up with new recipes that feature blueberries.  There is also no better way to enjoy summer than with a nice frozen treat. This Blueberry Cobbler Ice Cream combines all the flavors of the warm classic pie into a delicious treat to enjoy during the summer.

Blueberries are a nutritional powerhouse! They are high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and great for keeping your brain sharp and healthy.  (Source) Also, blueberries are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which has been a very important part of my journey to heal my adrenal fatigue and balance my hormones.  In addition to the blueberries, this ice cream features healthy fat from the coconut milk and the gut healing benefits of the grass fed gelatin (which also helps keep the ice cream soft).

Not only is this ice cream dairy free, but it is also egg free.  I’ve had ups and downs with being able to tolerate eggs, which is why I wrote my e-cookbook Awaken that features some great egg free breakfast options.  It’s also nice to have nut free options as well, so the cobbler pieces in the ice cream are made with sunflower seeds.  If seeds aren’t an option for you, this ice cream is just as delicious without the cobbler pieces.

Guest Post, Karen from Living Low Carb, One Day at a Time: Blueberry Cobbler Ice Cream

Guest Post, Karen from Living Low Carb, One Day at a Time: Blueberry Cobbler Ice Cream



    For the Cobbler Pieces-
  1. Combine the ground sunflower seeds, coconut, and cinnamon in a bowl.
  2. Add the sweetener and coconut oil and mix to combine.
  3. Press the mixture into the bottom an 8"x8" baking dish and place in the freezer until hardened (about 30 mins.)
  4. Cut the cobbler mixture into pieces and add them to the ice cream right before it has finished processing.
  5. For the Blueberry Ice Cream
  6. Blend 1 cup of blueberries with the coconut milk, gelatin, vanilla, and sweetener until smooth.
  7. Pour the mixture into the bowl of an ice cream maker, add the last cup of blueberries, and freeze according to manufacturer's directions.
  8. Right before the ice cream is finished add the cobbler pieces and process just until incorporated.
  9. Serve right away for soft serve or freeze for 1-2 hours for a more frozen consistency



About Karen Sorenson

Karen switched to a low carb and grain free lifestyle to try and reach her goal of losing 100 lbs. Her low carb journey started (again) in May 2011 when she finally decided to make a lifestyle change and get healthy.  She started her blog in December of 2011 as a way to hold herself accountable for losing weight and keeping it off.  After about a year of low carb, she began learning about the Paleo diet and how powerful food can be on healing your body and getting healthy.  She decided to make the switch to Paleo and has loved the transition.  Living a low carb and paleo life has helped her discover a passion for cooking and sharing delicious recipes with others on the same kind of journey.  Stop by and visit her blog or on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

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