Announcing the Reset & Thrive Library

Announcing the Reset & Thrive Library! Everything you need to get organized, create balance, and improve your family's health!

Do you ever feel like you need a reset? A do-over? A start-from-scratch? Some inspiration and new resources to continue focusing on health, filling yourself with quality food while not spending all your time and money doing it?

Us too – especially as we wrap up summer and head into the fall! 

Why This eLibrary

With three energetic boys, summertime is always a blast. The schedule is lax, bedtimes are more lenient, we take day trips and family vacations where we indulge in Paleo-ish treats, and we love every second of it! But come end of summer and start of the school year, we sometimes crash. It’s never as smooth a transition as we’d like. Morning comes way too soon, there are lunches to pack, never-ending homework deadlines to manage, and after school activities galore.

This summer we took a little bit of a different approach. While I took several weeks off of work, we worked on organizing the house, because de-cluttering belongings also de-clutters the mind and creates less stress, which is something I’ve been actively working on. While we enjoyed long, fun vacation-like weekends, we kept to a weekly routine with the boys; daily activities and chores that went according to our structured plan. With school right around the corner and Wes going into Kindergarten (eek!) we feel more prepared than ever! After finding this structure so helpful for our own health and well-being, we wanted to share those lifestyle components with a much broader audience.  We knew that with a bit of organizing and planning everyone could avoid the steep fall into fall – which is EXACTLY why we decided to pull together The Reset & Thrive Library, so you could do the same!!

Whether you have kids going back to school, or you just wish you could press the reset button on your own health in order to thrive: you won’t want to miss this amazing limited time resource!

We have pulled together all the resources (and then some!) that you will need to strategize for a reset. And we can’t wait to show you what all is included in this amazing, fully-digital (i.e. at your fingertips this very second) package!


What Is It?

I know that’s a busy graphic with a lot going on, let me break it down for you:

  • The Reset & Thrive Library contains 58 electronic resources from 40 contributors that have been hand selected by us to help you get organized, create balance, and improve you and your family’s health.
  • All items in this library contain content that has NEVER BEFORE been bundled, and some items are even debuting in this library, and are not available anywhere else!
  • All resources come in PDF form and are available for instant download. You can access the materials on your computer, smart phone, or e-reader, and each and every one of those files are yours to keep.
  • With a total value of $1,007 (not including the bonus materials and discounts), the entire library is 98.5% off at $39 from August 21-31, 2015 only.

Part of how these things work is that they cannot last forever. The generous contributors have agreed to this sale for a limited time only. You will want to purchase this e-library right away so that you don’t miss out!

Announcing the Reset & Thrive Library! Everything you need to get organized, create balance, and improve your family's health! Paleoparents.comBonus Material

That $1000+ value does not even include the two MEGA BONUSES that are included in The Reset & Thrive Library! First, there are the 28 DISCOUNT CODES to top healthy living brands that will save you hundred of dollars! If you use even a couple of these coupons, the price of the entire library will pay for itself with the money you save from the coupons included!

Announcing the Reset & Thrive Library! Everything you need to get organized, create balance, and improve your family's health!

And second, we have created a 2-WEEK MEAL PLAN, exclusively available only in this e-library, which features recipes from the very cookbooks you will find in this package! Using the same technique as our other extremely popular meal plans, I personally put this meal plan together, selecting some amazing recipes that are well-balanced but also will help save you time in the kitchen. With lots of meal prep tips, make-ahead notes, and foods that you cook once but eat twice – this plan meal plan will help save you time in the kitchen during one of the busiest times of the year!

And, of course the added benefit is getting to become familiar with each author’s recipe style within all of the cookbooks included, since at least one recipe from each book is included in each week, while also allowing you a little bit of breathing room for 2 weeks to consume the rest of the materials in this gigantic and information-dense library of e-resources!

Social Media Image, Bonus 2-Week Meal Plan

The Contributors

And the resources that you will find in Reset and Thrive Library are not just paleo. They feature items from contributors that are experts on organization, meal plans, kids’ activities, shopping lists and planning calendars, time saving tips like making ahead real food recipes and SO MUCH MORE!


Yeah, we’re pretty excited about this list of contributors too!

Part of what makes this library such an incredible deal is that it is only available for a short period of time. The contributors can’t offer their best material at that much of a discount for very long (we are talking a 98.5% discount!!). Get this library Friday, August 21 though Monday, August 31: for 10 days only!! —> Download now!

Paleo to Go is included, too!

Before we completely overwhelm you with information about the library, we have one last piece of crucial information to offer. We want to see you and your family kick off this busy time of year with the best you can, and we happen to think we know JUST the book you will love to do that. Our own eBook Paleo to Go has received rave reviews and positive feedback, and we have included it in the Reset & Thrive Library!

Yes, we have included our very own ebook, Paleo to Go in this library! As a busy family of 5, making it work often means eating on the go. We always eat a healthy dinner together as a family, but the hustle and bustle out the door to school and work often means “grab and go,” and we want to continue to make the best food choices we can. If you’ve been considering getting this book, NOW is the absolute best time to do so. It’s yours, along with 57 other e-resources for only $39 for it all, in the Reset & Thrive Library!

Paleo to Go

What Next?

Not ready to buy yet? Go check out the Reset & Thrive Library website for a full list of all resources, lots of details, and FAQs to answer questions you may have.


If you are ready to purchase, you will get immediate access to the entire library – which will work on any computer or smart device!

You are one click away from downloading 40+ amazing resources, 28 significant cost saving discount codes, AND a two-week meal plan to help you launch your reset. Download the Reset & Thrive Library now for only $39!

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