A Spunky Holiday: Red, White & Blueberry Bubble Tea


One of the boys favorite treats, whenever we encounter it, is bubble tea. You know bubble tea, right? It’s a sugary smoothie type concoction that has chewy balls of tapioca. Usually we find these at Vietnamese restaurants or various mall smoothie stands. Well, the main ingredient in bubble tea seems to be sugar syrup so we’d been thinking about trying to make a more reasonable at-home version.

When we went to the farm the other day and picked organic, wild, blueberries, we were inspired to see if those tiny, ripe berries would work as part of our recipe for Kelly’s Spunky Holiday round-up.  Indeed, combined with the Blueberry Bliss Teavana tea we had in our fridge, it’s a perfect red, white and blue summer treat.  Blueberries are the perfect in-season treat for this Independence Day holiday!

Red, White, and Blueberry Bubble Tea

  • 1 C medium tapioca pearls
    we purchased ours from a local Asian food mart and ensured tapioca flour and water were the only ingredients, super cheap too!
  • 1 C small size blueberries
  • 4 t blueberry loose leaf tea
  • 4 C ice
  • lots of water
  • Wide straws (We purchased 15 for $1 at a local smoothie shop)
  1. Boil 8 cups of water over high heat
  2. Pour tapioca pearls in and cook for 25 minutes
  3. Turn off heat and keep covered for another 25 minutes
    (they will turn clear when ready, ours were left slightly underdone for the July 4th colors)
  4. ♥ Rinse cooked pearls with warm water (for a sweet tea, soak the pearls in honey or agave after rinsed)
  5. ♥ Meanwhile brew 32 oz of tea with the 4 t of loose leaf (or any tea of your little one’s choosing)
  6. ♥ Pour brewed tea into pitcher with ice and place in the fridge
  7. ♥ Add blueberries and tapioca to chilled iced tea
  8. Serve in clear or glass cups with wide straws

While not as sweet as the bubble teas you’ll find in the store, this is a fun drink to serve on a hot summer afternoon.

Please note, recipes with a heart symbol (♥) indicates steps your children can do with you!

You can also find this post on Ingredient Challenge Monday: Blueberries

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