TPV Podcast, Episode 35: Paleo Convenience Foods

Our thirty-fifth show!
Ep. 35: Paleo Convenience Foods

First of all, a warm welcome to our newest Paleo Parents Team member, Monica of ThePaleos! Monica will be helping us organize some of the administrative chaos of the blog in an effort for Matt & Stacy to spend more time on blog content and spending time together. This is the first blog post for us, so if the podcast or show notes are glitchy it’s all her fault! (kidding…)

PLEASE comment welcoming Monica, and if there’s ANYTHING more you’d like out of the show notes (or blog in general) please let us know – since we’ve got some help we’re ready for (reasonable) requests! FYI, transcripts aren’t reasonable (yet) … sorry.

In this episode, Stacy and Sarah invite Mira and Jayson Calton, authors of Rich Food, Poor Food and Naked Calories, to share suggestions on nutrient dense paleo convenience foods. Learn about beverages that support your health, how to prepare your pantry for storms and power outages, and how to fuel your family in healthy ways while on the road or in the woods.

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 35: Paleo Convenience Foods


  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 1:19 – News & Views
  • 34:20 – Science with Sarah: The role of vitamin D in the body
    • How the body synthesizes vitamin D and what it impacts
    • We produce vitamin D from the sun, but also get it from rich sources of food
    • Foods with high levels of vitamin D are seafood, eggs from pasture raised chickens, and pasture raised animals
    • Recent studies have been released on the crucial role that vitamin D plays while pregnant
    • Every major disease is linked to vitamin D deficiencies in some capacity
    • The role that vitamin D plays on melatonin production
    • Micro-nutrient competitors and synergies for vitamin D
  • 50:41 – Q&A
  • 1:22:14 – Outro

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photoMonica is the latest member of the Paleo Parents Team! Raised in a full-on hippy house, she was taught to love the land and the animals that feed from it. From old school hog butcherings to berry farm harvesting treks, her parents showed that health began with food choices. However, her teen years brought her down a rebellious path with food and she began to struggle with the world of weight-gain, yo-yo diets, and eating in secret. It wasn’t until her husband nudged her in the direction of the Primal Blueprint that she learned how to break my unhealthy cycle.

Now she is carving out her own hippy life and learning how to raise a paleo family in our modern-day grain and sugar crazed world. Monica can be found at as well as Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest .

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