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meal plan

  • Meal Plan Monday August 16th - Featured - Real Everything Blog Stacy Toth

    Meal Plan Monday August 16th

    We decided to try some new dishes with kiddo this week when it came to our meal plan. Turns out some of our old comforts we relied on for our meal…

  • MPM August 9th Real Everything

    Meal Plan Monday August 9th

    We’re back from our vacations and re-entry was a breeze thanks to our meal plan. Sometimes it can be really hard to get back from back to back trips and get…

  • MPM July 12th Real Everything

    Our Easy Themed Meal Plan Monday July 12th

    In a rut? Us too. Not a coincidence we missed last week’s meal plan… We’re leaning into a favorite way to pick out meals this week: themed nights that are easy!…

  • MPM June 21st Real Everything

    Summer Comfort Meal Plan Monday June 21st

    We’re off on our first summer road trip, but we’ve made a perfect summer comfort meal plan for you to indulge in this week.  Summer comfort foods is our theme this…

  • Meal Plan Monday June 14th Real Everything

    Meal Plan Monday June 14th

    School’s out for SUMMER! Let’s get right into the summer mood shall we? If you’re looking for easy and quick clean up, this meal plan is it. Sheet plan meals to…

  • Meal Plan Monday June 7th

    This week we’ve got a grill perfect meal plan for you! Whether you have an outdoor grill or not, these fresh and flavorful summer dinners will be sure to please your…

  • Meal Plan Monday May 31st - Real Everything Blog

    Meal Plan Monday May 31st

    Happy Memorial Day! I hope you are lucky enough to have a day to relax and unwind. It’s also a great day to meal plan for the short week ahead. This…

  • Meal Plan Monday May 24th, Real Everything Blog

    Meal Plan Monday May 24th

    Hey everyone! It’s another meal plan Monday! Taking our weekend trip to the farmer’s market serves multiple purposes for our meal planning. Not only do we see what is in peak…

  • Meal Plan Monday May 17th, Real Everything Blog

    Meal Plan Monday May 17th

    One of the best ways for our family to get back-on-track is meal plan Mondays! When we have routines around dinner it affects so many things: how we shop, how we…

  • Meal Plan Monday April 19th - Real Everything

    Meal Plan Monday April 19th

    While it seems like it’s been awhile since we’ve posted our meal plan, we really have been sticking to just some easy buttons and comfort foods. But after the month full…

  • Meal Plan Monday March 15th Real Everything

    Meal Plan Monday March 15th

    After our fresh seafood indulgences on our whale watching adventures, the family decided we needed more seafood this week in our meal plan too! I did not complain! With it being…

  • Meal Plan Monday March 8th - Real Everything

    Meal Plan Monday March 8th

    Do you ever come back from vacation feeling scrambled and burnt out? Well we’re doing our best to avoid that this week after our escape to Virginia Beach to go whale…

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