TPV Podcast, Episode 364: Men’s Health

  On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah cover men’s health and hormone health as it relates to testosterone levels. What is the role that testosterone plays in the body? How do you know if you are deficient? And…

TPV Podcast, Episode 363: Latest Diet Fads

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah dig into the research on the latest fad diets. What are phytonutrients? And do you need to be mindful of them when making dietary choices? Does the Paleo Green diet, the Keto…

TPV Podcast, Episode 362: Check-In Show

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah touch base for a brief check-in show, with one very exciting announcement from Sarah. Our hosts give us a glimpse into their summer digital detoxes, and Sarah has a moment as she…

TPV Podcast, Episode 361: Road Trip Tips

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by a very special guest, the other half of, Matt. Stacy and Matt share all their road trip tips, tricks, planning strategies, packing lists and so very much more.…

TPV Podcast, Episode 360: How to Detox Chlorine

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah dig into the science behind chlorine exposure and discuss how to mitigate the possible risks associated with chlorine absorption. Dig into the science and soak up summer without fear! If you enjoy…

Movies to Inspire your Travels

We love to watch movies together as a family. As we prepared for our trips to Europe and then our cross-country US summer trip, we started pulling together a list of movies that were regional. They inspired us to…

TPV Podcast, Episode 359: Should I be tracking my macronutrients?

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah discuss macronutrients and the role that they play in both achieving your health goals and maintaining those goals. Is tracking your macronutrients an important healthy habit? What are the “ideal numbers” when…

Heather’s Low Carb Berry Cheesecake

Thanks to our friend Heather for sharing her keto-friendly low carb cheesecake, that can be made paleo-friendly with dairy-free options we included below. She’s been toying with starting a blog, so let’s all encourage her in the comments! When…

TPV Podcast, Episode 358: How Intuitive Eating Has It Wrong

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah take a look at the latest buzz in the health and wellness community – intuitive eating. Dig into the guiding principles of this practice and understand the scientific facts you need to…

TPV Podcast, Episode 357: New AIP Science

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah discuss the findings from the most recent research that has been done on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP). Dig deeper into these studies, learn about the updates that have been made to AIP…

TPV Podcast, Episode 356: DNA Heritage

On this week’s episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Russ Crandall (i.e. The Domestic Man) to chat about his new book, The Heritage Cookbook, and the inspiration behind this labor of love. Learn more about Stacy’s, Sarah’s and…

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