Guest Post: Basil and Mint Squash Noodles, The Healthy Apple

Warmer temperatures are ahead, and with it the arrival of ZOODLE SEASON! We love zoodles in the summer, they make for the perfect recipe base and the boys love to both make them and eat them – total win!

Here with a fresh twist of flavors to spice up your zoodle creations is Amie from The Healthy Apple with the recipe for Basil and Mint Squash Noodles, a great dish from her recently released Eating Clean cookbook. 

Enjoy the recipe share below and be sure to check out her site for even more fresh recipe ideas!


Guest Post: Basil and Mint Squash Noodles, The Healthy Apple | Paleo Parents

My journey to “Eating Clean” started 10 years ago when I found myself on disability from my job in my early 20’s, suffering from a dozen health issues that had me bedridden. Now when I look back at all I learned and how I healed my body from a range of symptoms and diagnoses from Lyme disease to Hypothyroidism and C.Diff colitis, Leaky Gut and so much more, I realize this all happened FOR me—and not TO me. I learned how to get my body working FOR me instead of against me and I learned how to stop treating the symptoms with Western medicine drugs and learned how to address the underlying imbalances that were in my body.

I started my website, to help people suffering from everyday minor symptoms such as a headache to more serious and depilating ailments and chronic illness. My hope is that my new book, Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body, helps change lives and gives people hope that they can get to the root cause of their unwanted symptoms or illness and find the light at the end of the tunnel. I wrote this book because I never want anyone to go through the hell I went through for 10 very expensive years trying how to how to be healthy in a real way. And I am ready to hand the keys over to someone else to help them save time and money and suffering.

eating clean book, Guest Post: Sunrise Nori Wraps with Spicy Tahini Drizzle, The Healthy Apple

Something I learned, that no doctor ever told me (and I’ve been to over 500 doctors) is the fact that nothing changed until I started to clean up my food and my environment (personal care products, cleaning products and beauty products) because our skin is our biggest organ- so it’s important to look not just at what we are putting in our bodies but also what we are putting on our bodies, as well. I also realized that I had to put my health in my own hands and be my own doctor to navigate through the world from illness to wellness and vitality!

In my new cookbook, Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body, I talk about how you can clean up your food and your lifestyle from seemingly-harmless chemicals and toxins that are in our everyday lifestyles from our food to our body lotion and makeup to our cleaning products. Detox is not what you think! It’s not about feeling deprived and it’s not about going on a cleanse! Detox is about supporting your body’s ability to remove toxins on a daily basis by putting clean products and foods in and on your body to lessen the body burden we’re under every day from toxins in our tap water, air, food (pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, antibiotics), cleaning products such as laundry detergent and household cleaners as well as our chapstick, sunscreen and body lotions we use daily!

We have SO much more control over our health than we realize and if more people understood what an important role they play in their own health, they could change the quality of their life forever. Every little change in my new book is powerful when done together. In this book I outline what you need to do to detox your body on a daily basis and how to eat clean to support your overall health. I want to show you that eating clean feels amazing- not because you should, but because once you see life this way, you’ll never go back. There’s not a processed piece of candy I’d eat to give up for how incredible I feel. If more people realized what an important role they plan in their own health, they could change the quality of their life forever.

This cookbook is your roadmap to getting your life back – it’s a guide to help you feel amazing no matter what minor or major symptoms you may have (and you don’t even need to have symptoms to benefit from the tips in this book). It’s filled with over 200 plant-based recipes that are free of gluten, dairy, soy, refined sugar, eggs, all-purpose flours and processed ingredients. No xanthan gum, no binders, no fake ingredients- all pure, whole foods. And you’re going to love every single recipe! Find my book —> HERE!

Here is a fun recipe from my cookbook that you can enjoy! If you don’t have nori sheets, you can use romaine lettuce leaves as well as steamed kale or collard green leaves instead.

Enjoy! xox


Serving Size: 2


  • 3 large yellow summer squash, cut into thin strands with a vegetable peeler or spiral slicer or julienned
  • 1 large celery stalk, thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh basil
  • 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh mint
  • 1?2 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
  • 1?4 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Pinch crushed red pepper flakes
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  1. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients, toss to coat, and serve.


A terrific summertime staple that’s full of flavor and fiber without any grains. Did you happen to notice the simple directions for this recipe? Combine ingredients and serve. Easy as it gets.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]”After healing myself through a set of life-changing diagnoses early in my professional career, I was forced to change the way I live, eat and ultimately the way I make a living. Today my sole desire is to help you and your body feel as amazing as possible through various simple yet life-altering changes to your nutrition and lifestyle habits. I cook. I travel. I exercise. I write. And I do it all Clean and Gluten-Free.” Connect with Amie: Blog Facebook | Instagram | Twitter[/author_info] [/author]

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