Weekend Wrap-Up, 5/24

We’ve decided to make this a weekly thing! Basically, every Saturday we will be bringing you a blog rendition of some of our favorite things going on this week in our own world and in the paleo world at large in a Weekend Wrap-Up. Every week we will feature our favorite paleo recipes from our archives and from other paleo bloggers that are  on our minds lately, as well as a few coupons for products we personally love, and some suggested reading for things we found interesting this week. So let’s get started!

Love yo self! ♥

This week has been about confidence, internal and external. You can say over the last couple of weeks, despite hitting multiple personal records carrying 200lbs per hand for over 60 feet multiple times as well as 450lbs for the length of a football field, Stacy was still feeling overwhelmed at how much further she wanted to go. That’s when she focused on her journey, how far she’d come, what many things in her life she has to be proud of and focused on what she loves about herself.


Feel good about yourself, find the things you love about yourself and focus on them, instead of having guilt about the things you want to change. We encourage everyone to focus on loving yourself, which may mean taking awkward photos in your dark bathroom, but hey… you gotta do what you gotta do!

Our Favorite Paleo Parents Archive Recipe of the Week:

It’s Memorial Day Weekend! Let’s break out the RIBS!!!

Asian Short Ribs – a Beyond Bacon Recipe

 Asian Short Ribs from Beyond Bacon by Paleo Parents

Need a great recipe for Memorial Day? Try our Asian Short Ribs from our cookbook Beyond BaconThe official start of grilling season is upon us! Memorial Day weekend has always been a time of year for us when we grill outside, let the kids run around in the yard without a shirt (or pants, as is always the case with one of our children) and enjoy the company of friends and family with good food. These Asian Short Ribs are a great way to change up the standard barbeque flavors. Seriously. We’re going to make them ourselves… because #holyyumBatman

The Best New Recipes in Paleo of the Week:

Just a few short years ago, paleo recipes were hard to find, but now there is such an abundance of great, real-food blogs. Here are a few new recipes that caught our eye this week:

runner up collage 5

Carnitas atop Yuca Cakes with Avocado Cream by Predominantly Paleo 
Coconut Apricot Cardamom Bourbon Popsicles by Tasty Yummies
Mocha Coconut Macadamia Truffles by Stupid Easy Paleo 
Garlic Sweet Potato Noodles with Pancetta and Baby Spinach by Inspiralized
Salt Cured Egg Yolk by Honest Food
Baked Paleo Falafels with Fiery Sauce by Eat Drink Paleo

Coupons and Special Deals!

When we find deals on things we love and use anyway, we like to take advantage. So of course we pass on these great deals to you when we find them! Every week we’ll highlight some products we think you’ll find useful, interesting, or just plain awesome! Remember, you can always see what we recommend on our sidebar! We REALLY appreciate you shopping though the links on our blog or newsletter, as it supports the costs of running the blog without resorting to advertisers of things we can’t control.

nikki's 18

Tomorrow is the last day you can take advantage of 18% Off your order from Nikki’s Coconut Butter with coupon code: “summer” at checkout. We love love LOVE this brand of coconut butter because it is only sweetened with natural honey, maple syrup and dates. Our favorite flavor is their new Pistachio Macaroon but who can resist Chocolate Hazelnut Brownie, Midnight Mocha, Honey Pecan Pie, Vanilla Cake Batter, and Macadamia Nut Cookie?! A spoonful in coffee will change your life! [not a guarantee, just an observation]


sox box coupon

You might have noticed that Stacy loves to wear High Knee Sock while she is training for StrongWoman. They protect her shins, and they are also fun because of all the cool things you can say with just your socks! Stacy loves the fun socks from thesoxbox.com and she snagged you this discount code for 5% off your order with code: “stronglikestacy” (plus 20% goes to wounded veterans!).

ghee coupon

Long have we advocated the use of ghee as a cooking fat. By far the best ghee on the market is the grass-fed ghee from Pure Indian Foods! If you’re looking to give ghee a try and you’d like to get $5 off on your order of $25 or more, use code ‘PALEOPARENTS’ at checkout through May 2014! (affiliate)


petes paleo coupon

We were so happy to have Pete and Sarah from Pete’s Paleo on the Paleo View this week! If you’re looking for gourmet, prepared, paleo meals, look no further than Pete’s Paleo. And they have nationwide shipping! If you input thepaleoview at checkout you can get 5% off your total order! (affiliate)

 PLO may

So we have reviewed lots of the different products that Primal Life Organics carries (see here and here), and the good news is that every month they choose different products to go on special. Check out all their specials and sale products using this link: http://bit.ly/PLOpaleoparents. (affiliate)

Recommended Reading

10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body by I’mperfect Life

Stacy came across this article earlier this week, and it is no surprise it has since gone viral. Andrea, the blogger behind Imperfectlife.net wrote an incredibly inspiring piece about why she loves her “ugly body.” Like Stacy, Andrea has lost over 100 pounds, and is learning to love her body, even though it still isn’t “perfect” by society’s standards. She bravely had photos made of herself (almost) naked, and then points out why those seemingly “imperfect” parts of her body are STRONG because of the progress she has made at her CrossFit box, then showing pictures of the same body parts in action. It’s one of the best posts we’ve ever read on loving yourself! She is such a healthy, beautiful, STRONG woman, and we strongly encourage that you go read this awesome blog post.

Recommended Products of the Week

Athleta Aurora Contender 2 In 1 Skirt Capri

If you read the suggested article above, Andrea mentions that the right compression workout clothes can make all the difference for those of us who are dealing with saggy skin or excess weight. Stacy whole-heartedly agrees that the right outfit and accessories can make you feel more confident going to the gym. Hey! Don’t knock it, rock it! Altheta’s 2 in 1 Compression Skirt Capri is Stacy’s favorite work-out clothing because it offers support and coverage! 

Upcoming Events!

Strongman Intro Class Event

Join Stacy for a FREE and open to the public strongman workshop – all levels of fitness welcome, it is very scalable!


Stacy will be speaking twice at this year’s Ancestral Health Symposium:
August 8, 2014, 11:25 am – Ancestral Health for Women in the Modern World: the HPA Axis Meets the HPT and the HPG Axes (or why we recommend women eat carbs) with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne of The Paleo Mom
With Stephanie Gaudreau of Stupid Easy Paleo on August 8, 2014, 3:15 pm – Specific Requirements and Health Benefits of Strength Training for Women

You can register for the Symposium here: http://www.ancestralhealth.org/registration

Instagram ♥

There’s also been a lot going on over on Instagram, go check it out so you don’t miss out! You can catch glimpses of our every day life, with plenty of heavy lifting, our boys being #totesadorbs and all the delicious things that Matt cooks for our family!

instagram clip

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