This past week we celebrated our youngest son’s 4th birthday which ALSO coincides with our 4th Paleo-versary! Yup, it was little Wesley who inspired our transition to a paleo lifestyle 4 years ago on the day he was born. I was researching dairy-free desserts because I noticed that if I stayed dairy-free while breastfeeding, my boys had less tummy upsets (colic). The word “paleo” popped up in my research, and I had to check out what it was all about. It quickly dawned on me that a paleo lifestyle was EXACTLY what our family needed, and the rest is Paleo Parents history!
Happy 4th Birthday, Wessie!
Of course, we never claim to be perfectionists. We also have been extremely busy lately with trying to finish Real Life Paleo, Stacy’s training, and all things associated with 3 little boys… so we have no shame in admitting that Wesley’s 4th birthday cake was an epicly awesome gluten-free Batman cake from Happy Tart for the littlest super hero. They used ganache instead of dye for the decorations and use high-end ingredients that don’t make us sick!
Every Friday we send out a newsletter that is chock full of information, paleo recommendations, coupons, suggested reading and our top recipes of the week, and although lots of you subscribe to our newsletter — let’s face it… you don’t always open it when it hits your inbox. Or maybe you haven’t subscribed because you don’t know what kind of spam you’ll be getting in your inbox (NONE!). This week, we thought we would put our newsletter content into a blog post for you guys to see in a different format, just in case reading it newsletter style isn’ your thing. Let us know if you liked this post in the comments section, and if so we will continue to do them!
Recipes of the Week
My Mom’s Favorite Breakfast Burritos
What does my mom like to eat on her special day? Breakfast Burritos! We grew up vegetarian and enchiladas was one of our go-to meals, and certainly mom and I’s favorite. She used to use refried beans, canned processed enchilada sauce and cheap cheese back then – but our upgraded version made her eyes light up and twinkle with delight. Although one of the most complicated dishes in Real Life Paleo, we’re thrilled to have recreated such a sacred family recipe in a way that creates a new tradition. We love celebrating holidays with brunch, so this Burrito has gone Breakfast style, but you can certainly fill it with anything! You can get this exclusive recipe from our new book before it is released – just email us a copy of your pre-order receipt from Amazon and we will email you this recipe!
Runner Ups:
Paleo Star Wars Cookies by Just Jenn Recipes
Pineapple Bacon Guacamole by What Would John Mack Eat on
Semi-Sweet Tostones by Honestly Delicious, guest posted on Paleo Parents
Paleo Bibimbap by the Clothes Make the Girl
Raw Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Bars by PaleOMG
Coupons and Special Deals!
When we find deals on things we love and use anyway, we like to take advantage. So of course we pass on these great deals to you when we find them!
We love it when our favorite fine ground almond flour goes on sale! In fact, we actually wait for these sales to come around and stock up because shipping is a flat fee no matter how much you order (and almond flour freezes well). Honeyville really does have superior almond flour and we recommend it for all of our baked goods. It produces a high quality baked good that isn’t as crumbly as if you used a courser almond meal that is popular in most grocery stores. So make sure you use code “MOM10” for 10% off your order when you shop using this link:
So we have reviewed lots of the different products that Primal Life Organics carries (see here and here), and the good news is that every month they choose different products to go on special. Check out all their specials and sale products using this link:
These are our favorite shelf-stable paleo cookies that we can send with our boys to school to have when one of their friends has a birthday treat that they can’t eat. For Mother’s Day, they have a special coupon for 15% off your order with code “mom15” so its a great time to stock up! You can shop using this link:
Just a few years ago, if you wanted to have a “Paleo” treat, you had to make it yourself to be sure of the ingredients. Now there are a lot of new options out there for when you want to order something special, and Paleo Love Co. is ” obsessed with finding the best ingredients to make our gluten-free, naturally sweetened treats. Individually packaged and easily storable in your fridge or freezer, our mini cakes can travel with you and be warmed up anytime to enjoy as a dessert or snack.” We tried them out recently, and we liked them so much that we snagged you guys an exclusive discount code for 15% off your order with code “PALEOPARENTS” because we love you that much!
This is the LAST DAY to take advantage of this coupon because it expires TODAY (5/8/2014)! Do you need a new Paleo t-shirt or tank for summer? Get $5 OFF orders of $30 or more with code: “5OFF30” when you shop using this link:
Recommended Reading
Our Top 8 Favorite Victory Belt Paleo Resources
To celebrate our 4th Paleo-versary, we picked some of our top 8 favorite Victory Belt Paleo resources that we wish had been around when we started paleo. Here’s a little bit about why we chose each of these books:
Practical Paleo – This is a go-to paleo resource that explains why avoiding both processed foods and foods marketed as “healthy”—like grains, legumes, and pasteurized dairy—will improve how you look and feel and lead to lasting weight loss. Even better—you may reduce or completely eliminate symptoms associated with common health disorders! Practical Paleo is jam-packed with over 120 easy recipes, all with special notes about common food allergens including nightshades and FODMAPs. Meal plans are also included, and are designed specifically to support different conditions such as Autoimmune Disorders, Digestive Disorders, Cancer, and other chronic illnesses.
The Paleo Approach is what saved Stacy’s health, and is an exhaustive resource for learning how to overcome and reverse autoimmune conditions.
Make it Paleo was one of the first Paleo Cookbooks, and it just so happens to still be awesome, AND it was written by two of our good friends, Bill and Hayley of The Primal Palate. The recipes in this book will definitely be staples in your house!
Against All Grain, by Danielle Walker of the Against All Grain Blog is another wonderful book that is a must have for all paleo beginners. This book is just absolutely beautiful and will make you feel like there is nothing you have to give up forever when you go paleo. Her baking recipes are in particular outstanding.
The Ancestral Table is one of our new favorites. It was written by our friend, Russ of The Domestic Man blog, and it is effortlessly beautiful, and also chock full of really interesting, full flavored recipes. You can read more of our gushing about this book in our review here.
Eat The Yolks is also a new, but essential paleo book. Liz Wolfe of Real Food Liz (formerly Cave Girl Eats) throws conventional dietary “wisdom” out the window! She provides the history behind why many people believe the conventional wisdom about nutrition and then goes about correcting these thoughts.
Of course we had to include our books, Eat Like a Dinosaur and Beyond Bacon. Even though we are kinda biased – because after all, they are like our 4th and 5th children — we really do think they are essential for those starting out on a paleo journey with their families. Eat Like a Dinosaur is specifically for kids and their parents, complete with an illustrated story for the kids about why its fun to “Eat Like a Dino” and plenty of recipes that they will not only enjoy, but also have fun helping out mom and dad in the kitchen. Beyond Bacon was our 2nd book, it is decidedly more grown-up. We spend an entire books worth of recipes and literature worshiping the lovely pastured pig, and truly honor it with recipes that are “nose to tail.”
Recommended Product of the Week
Insulated Lunch Tote
I’m pretty much in love with the new lunch bag I bought! It has pockets for silverware, side cup for coffee thermos or bottled drink, and it is insulated PLUS it’s eco-friendly. Honestly, I would have been willing to pay double the price for this bag having seen the quality, size, etc. but Amazon has it on sale for 30% off at only $18.99 in about half-a-dozen colors. I HIGHLY recommend you grab at least one, it’s perfect for me to take to work but also the gym, snacks on road trips, etc.
They say it fits a six pack of soda but what I care about is that it carries my iced coffee cup, a kombucha, and 3 containers for my breakfast and lunch with room to spare!
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