Humpday Paleo Push Through, 2011Mar09

Having a hard time pushing through your humpday?  Here are my favorite reads and recipes of the week:

The Paleo Rodeo #50, by Modern Paleo

USDA: Proud Sponsors of Nutrient Deficiency, by Liz of CaveGirlEats
Blame Bambi, by Liz of CaveGirlEats

Robb and Art on Nightline

A Big Fat Debate, by Kristin Wartman at Civil Eats

Paleo Snacks, by PaleoDietLifestyle

Mexican Pulled Chicken Stuffed Peppers, by AndreAnna at LifeAsAPlate

Butternut Squash Lasagne, by Health Bent

Chocolate Chip Cookies, by Bill and Hayley at PrimalPalate


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