Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Hi Friends- here’s a look at our week!

Strawberry picking, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!
It was the perfect day spend outdoors with the boys, picking berries (and eating them!). Stacy was able to hold a squat for AN HOUR, where in previous years she would have squatted 5 minutes and then scooted down the rows on her bum. Love noticing surprise real life improvements in strength and health, thanks to AIP and Strongwoman!

The boys had a great time picking too- especially Cole. He also joined us on The Paleo View Podcast this week to talk about his struggle with ADHD and what we’ve done to improve it (drinking COFFEE!). Plus, since we knew it would be controversal that we’re supplementing our 9 year old with coffee, Sarah covers the science behind caffeine for children with ADHD.
Silly Wes eating strawberries, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!
Oh, what’d we do with those 15 pounds of strawberries? Made an incredible Refrigerator Strawberry Pie (with gut-healing gelatin!) and then froze the rest to have that just-picked-flavor year ’round!

Boy and cat snuggles, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!
We continued the week of spending time together with a family movie night. Whereby this kid thought he could steal the cuddly cat and our Paleo Treats?! That’s Stacy’s fave- the “Bandito,” an almond butter chocolate cup. We would only ever share in exchange for snuggles… Boy and cat snuggles MELT OUR HEARTS.

The tuna catching troll, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!
Oh, and those boys. How silly they are. They asked Matt what “Troll Caught” Tuna is and then Matt tells a story about how this special tuna is caught by a SWIMMING WATER TROLL kept in a cage on fishing boats. Think they believed him? Here’s how we use this tuna for the WORLD’S EASIEST DINNER.

Pool time r and r, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!
Part of Stacy improving her adrenal function and overall health is with more time spent doing fun things with the boys, and relaxing- which is just what we are planning on doing for the next couple weeks while Stacy is taking some time off work. This includes getting a lot of Vitamin D, poolside with our favorite water babies. Of course!

Greek gyro salad, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!
Of course, vacation doesn’t relieve me from also focusing on health through nutrient density and lots of healthy vegetables… so the #saladwithstacy #dailysalad continues. Eating out is a great time to try new salads, especially if they use in-house made dressings – like this GREEK LAMB GYRO SALAD. We’ll being trying to create this one at home! And if you’re looking for some more inspiration check out our “Everything Salad” Round Up —> HERE.

Congrats to Our Friends

This book will change the way you think about making dinner! Combing flavorful ingredients in new ways, using only ONE POT OR PAN and making you a ton LESS DISHES is an awesome way to learn to cook.
One_Pot_Paleo_Cookbook, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

We just can’t say enough good things about One Pot Paleo which we were honored to write the foreword to. You can read it —> HERE
And we’re absolutely head over heals for her Pork Pancit Recipe (stir-fried noodles), which we shared on the blog this week along with a GIVEAWAY for a SIGNED copy (by Jenny and us!) —> GET IT HERE!
Almond Milk Latte Talk with Stacy, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!
worth cooking with

In celebration of One Pot Paleo being released we wanted to share with you our favorite cooking vessels and the yummy foods use them for.

Lodge Cast Iron Pan: this really is the work horse of our kitchen. It produces incredible steaks and chops with the perfect sear, plus it sautés veggies like a champ. Try our Bacon and Apple Stuffed Pork Chops in this pan.
Best pans for cooking paleo, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Le Creuset Enameled Dutch Oven: there are some things we prefer not too cook in cast iron, like foods high in acidity- and for those we used an enameled cast iron pot. Try our Chicken “Noodle” Soup in this one!

Instant Pot: our newest obsession, which has completely changed the way that we make bone broths! It also makes the most tender roasts and slow cooked meats. All about that broth —> Right HERE!

Stainless Steel Sauté Pan: the “you can do anything to this pan” pan. Use it on high heat, cook acidic foods in it, and leave it soaking in dish water all day with no problems. Also great for getting a great sear on your food and deglazing to create sauces. Try our Turkey Thai Basil in a big ‘ol Stainless Steel Pan (a great alternative to a Wok!).
Best pans for one pot meals, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Stainless Steel Pot: a great (and much more affordable) alternative to the enameled pots. Available in all different sizes, like smaller ones for jobs like making sauces, to larger all-purpose pots for making soups and steaming veggies. This is the pot you want to make our Not Beanie Weenies in (still a household favorite!)

worth reading

Now that’s interesting —> Chemical Attraction: Why Mosquitos Zone in on Some People but Not Others.

Not exactly what I expected from this article, but I LOVE IT —> Damage Control: What to Do When You Over-Indulge.

Read —> Target is All Like, Granola and Yogurt and less Cornflakes. I love love love to hear this! Bringing more healthy options and less artificial food to mainstream is such a HUGE STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!

If you suffer from an Autoimmune condition or know someone who does, please (politely) share what you’ve learned from being part of this community. You just might SAVE THEIR LIFE! —> Scientists Officially Link Processed Food to Autoimmune Disease.

Your Favorite Recipes for Warm Weather!

Bikini Bolognese
zucchini bikini bolognese, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Iced Lavender Earl Grey Lattes
Iced Lavender Earl Grey Lattes Feature, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Creamy Ranch Coleslaw
Creamy Ranch Coleslaw by PaleoParents 4, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Coconut Pecan Date Rolls
Coconut Pecan Date Rolls, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Eastern Market Shrimp Salad
Eastern Market Shrimp Salad by PaleoParents, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Events & Announcements

Whiffletree Farm Tour with the Paleo Parents
Bring clothes and shoes for tromping around, a picnic lunch if you’d like, and a cooler in case you want to take home any goods from the farm (and trust us, you’ll want to).
—-> RSVP to Whiffletree Farm Tour here!

Weekly Discounts & Coupons

We’re fortunate to partner with some incredible companies that, like us, work towards promoting health, wellness, and fun! Your support of these companies helps support us, and we greatly appreciate that.

Paleo Parents Discounts 5.24 NL top, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!Discounts coupons nl bottom 5.30, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

EXO BARStwo free bars! (just pay shipping and handling) through 5/31

SPREADSHIRTfree shipping on orders over $30 (starts 6/1)

PALEO MEALS TO GO5% off with code: PaleoParents5

BUBBA’S FINE FOODS10% off with code: paleoparents10

THE DIRT15% off all orders —> follow link to get the code

DELICIOUS OBSESSIONS: Mention Stacy from Paleo Parents to get a free copy of Delicious Obsession’s coffee ebook with your order!

THE SOX BOX10% off with code: stronglikestacy

Here’s What People are Saying…
Beyond Bacon by Stacy Toth and Matt McCarry the Paleo Parents, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Beyond Bacon Review, Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up 5.31: Why Our 9yo Drinks Coffee Plus A Week Of Relaxation And Tutorial On Paleo Pots!

Find Beyond Bacon Here!

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