Ep. 101: Paleo 101 Q&A
On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah tackle paleo diet questions in follow up to the 100th Q&A episode.
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 101: Paleo 101 Q&A
- Intro (0:00)
- News and Views (1:03)
- Stacy recently recorded the first ever Strongwoman Radio podcast episode with her cohost Vivian – first episodes always feel a little awkward
- It will take about two weeks for iTunes to approve and post it
- Matt is working on the production of it now and they hope to share soon
- It is explicit, so avoid listening to it around the kiddos
- Matt is also working on editing Real Life Paleo now – Stacy shared more on how this editing process is different from Eat Like a Dinosaur and Beyond Bacon
- Stacy and Sarah chatted about their usage of swear words
- Stacy shared on airrosti treatment she has been receiving and the necessity of swearing when in pain
- Stacy shared more on carb cycling
- Sarah jumped on a 24″ box and shared more on her training as of late
- Last week’s show featured an assortment of Q&A that were focused on Stacy and Sarah, but a number of questions came in that were paleo lifestyle specific – so this week’s show is going to be a paleo 101 type show featuring a hodgepodge of questions
- Stacy recently recorded the first ever Strongwoman Radio podcast episode with her cohost Vivian – first episodes always feel a little awkward
- Questions and Answers (26:17)
- Anonymous – how can I add more nutrients to my picky toddler’s diet?
- Stacy suggested to first get your kid involved in the kitchen, empower them to make choices, bring them grocery shopping to select produce of interest to them, have them help with cooking
- Check out these episodes of The Paleo View where this topic was also discussed: episode 1, episode 3, episode 12, episode 41, episode 51
- Flip the negatives into empowerment when at the table eating
- Sarah shared on her experience with Sensory Processing Disorder – professional treatment, how to help at home
- Stacy suggested to first get your kid involved in the kitchen, empower them to make choices, bring them grocery shopping to select produce of interest to them, have them help with cooking
- Anonymous (43:08) – what is typical for weight-loss while on the paleo diet? Should is come off quickly or slowly?
- Stacy shared on making health the priority when adopting a paleo lifestyle and how your weight will find its healthy point
- Sarah shared on what happens when you lose weight too quickly
- Sarah also noted that you don’t need to be calorie tracking and shared tips on what factors you can look at when weight-loss stalls – check this post for more
- Jean (50:39) – what portion sizes should I be eating to lose weight on a paleo plan?
- Stacy eats until she is satiated
- Stacy shared strategies on how to identify portions when new to paleo – focus on more vegetables
- Sarah eats about a six ounce serving of protein at every meal and then she fills her plate with vegetables, mostly non starchy unless she just worked out – and she eats three meals a day
- Stacy suggests to place emphasis on fat quality over portion sizes
- Rochelle (55:39) what is your opinion on raw goat and sheep milk products?
- Stacy asks if you tolerate them – if so then yes they add value to your diet, but if not avoid them
- For ideas and recipes check out Chris Kresser, the Perfect Health Diet or Russ Crandall
- Sarah shared the scientific points on dairy
- Jennifer (1:00:11) what is the difference between lactose versus casein intolerance?
- Lactose is the sugar in milk and a small percentage of people have the enzyme needed to break that down past childhood
- A casein sensitivity is more like an allergy where you can have a whole range of symptoms
- Sarah shared on what you are consuming when eating ghee and butter and what to look for when shopping for these products
- The difference is sensitivity to the protein versus the sugar
- Rachel (1:05:21) does eating lots of healthy foods create intolerances?
- Stacy shared her thoughts on how evolution and food modification have impacted our tolerances – and noted that she doesn’t feel there is enough science research on this subject to know for sure
- Sarah shared on how leaky gut and food intolerances go hand in hand
- Sarah also shared on the benefit of food cycling, building diversity into your diet and healing your gut
- Anonymous – how can I add more nutrients to my picky toddler’s diet?
- Stacy’s upcoming competition – feel free to come, check out the details here: Commonwealth Games
- Thanks everyone for tuning in and for continuing to post those awesome reviews!
- Outro (1:16:57)