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Transitioning the Family

  • Sprouted Tacos

    We don't eat corn or soy. I have fresh, organic non-GMO corn that I'll grow fresh in the garden this year - but, corn's a grain and we make every…

  • Baby-Led Weaning Part 2 of 3

    I talked about my journey with baby led weaning and breastfeeding all 3 boys in Part 1. After any internal struggles and finding the conviction to trust your children to…

  • Baby-Led Weaning Part 1 of 3

    Although I ate grain, refined sugar and legumes with Cole and Finian, I did avoid dairy and had a strong sense of ideal foods that was intuitively near-Paleo for babies transitioning…

  • Breakfast for Dinner and Eating with Two Year Olds

    Thursdays are breakfast for dinner at our house. Tonight, however, is Finian's 3rd birthday - so at this very moment we're at a nearby gluten-free restaurant celebrating his joining our…

  • How I always have applesauce around

    I've been a fan of applesauce for as long as I can remember and my kids inherited this love from me. Unfortunately, it's often difficult to find natural applesauce without added…

  • Picnics

    We have a LOT of picnics in the spring, summer and fall. The boys love being able to run around while snacking, meeting up with friends or making a day…

  • Happy St. Patrick's Day

    We're a pseudo-Irish family. Matthew's whole family traveled to Ireland a few years ago to trace their roots, but having "Mc" at the beginning of his name is the extent…

  • Paleo as a Lifestyle

    After we experienced significant weight loss, Paleo became something we integrated into the full scope of our lives. We've always been a "crunchy granola" family: breastfeed, co-sleep, baby wear, make…

  • Eating Out

    We like eating out; we're serious foodies. Restaurant dining wasn't something we stopped doing when we had 3 kids, and it's not something we were able to "give up" when…

  • Make Your Own Omelet Night

    Thursdays are Breakfast for Dinner at our house. It's such a fun, quick and easy meal - the kids love helping. And, much healthier than pizza night with pick…

  • What losing 100lbs feels like

    I'm really excited to make this post. Honestly, I'm really excited about almost in everything in life lately. Having grown up on Prozac and always feeling melancholy about something…