Ever since we found our path to health and happiness, sharing food with others (especially loved ones) has become a very rewarding part of our lives. It is why we love to blog here. And although life has gotten busy these days, it is why we love the opportunity to share new recipes; hoping to provide inspiration to others who were once like us and hoping to find a new way to achieve health.
Specifically around the holidays, we love to continue our family tradition of sharing sweets with loved ones. Finian said it best years ago while cooking with us in the kitchen, “When you eat this food I made, my love will go into your belly because I made it with love.” There is something so rewarding about taking care of our friends and family during this hectic time of year by filling their bellies with treats that won’t derail their health. And still to this day (five years later), many still say in surprise after their first bite – “this is paleo?!” Those priceless reactions always put a big smile on my face and we want you to be able to experience the same moment!
We thought it would be fun this holiday season to spread that ‘sharing good food with others’ far and wide, in partnership with One Stop Paleo Shop, which is our favorite place to pick up so many of our paleo favorites in one place. So we cooked up two kits – both perfect as a gift for yourself or for a family member or friend. All the delicious details are below!
Unlike anything that OSPS has ever done before, this box is cultivated with INGREDIENTS for you to make some of our fan-favorite recipes! Printed on an included seasonal card, you’ll find OUR RECIPES for Triple Chocolate Freezer Fudge, Salted Dark Chocolate Truffle Cookies, and Salted Nut Caramel Ice Cream.
The ingredients included will also be fantastic for any of your holiday baking or cooking needs to wow even your non-paleo friends! Also included are a few treats for you to consume when the cookie pushers come a-knocking!
Utilize this kit as a convenient way to arm yourself with the baking essentials, or gift to the foodie in your life!
From office parties to delayed flights; from hectic errand filled days to lengthy road trips, it is no wonder we often find ourselves with limited quality food choices during this busy time of year! Which is why we created the ultimate grab and go kit that will keep your sweet tooth satisfied when treats are at every turn; and satiated with a bit of protein and salty mixes to keep you going from point A to point B.
Of course, each curated box is offered by OSPS at a discount than if you were to buy all of these items individually. It’s a great opportunity to try new things and enjoy the season with a few treats, without abandoning your health goals. Happy holidays, from our family to yours ♥