Halloween Recovery Ideas!!

Hi friends, here are our best Halloween recovery ideas and a look back at our week!

Volunteering moving rocks, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

So proud of these guys! We spent the morning helping convert an abandoned lot into a green space where the neighborhood can grow their own food. They looked like Mini-Strong Men moving all those stones! Love that they have the desire to help others, and enjoy being active (thanks to a Paleo lifestyle!).

Finn brownie recipe, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

These Paleo kids have really taken an interest in cooking, so much so that Cole andFinian are even developing their own recipes! How cool is that?! Cole is working on a cookbook, and Finian is coming up with a brownie recipe that we will try out this weekend. These guys just blow us away!

Burger breafast of champs, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

Don’t be fooled, that’s not a frosted muffin! No, even better: a leftover burger topped with Chosen Foods Mayo for breakfast! And once the healthy fats are in, a special treat of Rick-a-Roons (loving the Pumpkin Spice flavor – coupon code below!). Plus the usual herbal coffee and my new discovery (I think I’m a little late to the party on this one!) of La Croix sparkling water.

pumpkin carving, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

We’re a family of halloween-lovers, as you might have guessed by our 5 years of consecutive halloween round-up posts! This week we carved pumpkins, and have been putting the finishing touches on our family costume. Any guesses on our theme this year?! Hint: I will be rising!

Wait! Don’t Throw Those Pumpkins Out!

Paleo Parents Top Ten Pumpkin Recipes Feature, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

After Halloween, save those jack-o-lanterns that are in good conditions and bake them to incorporate into any of one of these TOP 10 PALEO PARENTS PUMPKIN RECIPES!

1. Pumpkin Butter
2. Tutorial Thursday: All Things Pumpkin
3. Pumpkin Bread Pudding
4. Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
5. Pumpkin Bacon Pancakes
6. Pumpkin Pucks
7. Pumpkin Cider Latte
8. Pumpkin Chili
9. Pumpkin Delights
10. Pumpkin Pudding

It is a total win-win when you can take your Halloween leftovers and reuse-and-recycle to create paleo recipes.

Danielle, Stacy and Sarah Live Q&A!

Danielle Live QA SM Graphic, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

We got sooo many follow up questions to The Paleo View episode 166 with Danielle Walker about everything baby– that we are holding a live Q&A to answer them all!

Danielle with do a live video on Facebook answering your questions, and Stacy and Sarah with contribute through the comments!

Thursday, November 5 at 8pm EST
—> Danielle’s Facebook Page

Almond Milk Latte Talk with Stacy, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up
Whether it’s you or the kids (or both) who have over-indulged this weekend, get back on track with the most healing, nutrient-dense:

Halloween Recovery Foods

Our number one recovery food is Vital Proteins collagen. It’s something I use every day, and I can tell when I’ve missed it. It is THAT powerful! The kind with the green lid will ultimately gel and is perfect for making gelatin, ice cream, pudding, etc.; and the kind with the blue lid is easily dissolvable for stirring into drinks. More info on both types of gelatin, and recipes on how we incorporate them can be found in this blog post!

Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

Sea vegetables are loaded with nutrients, and Sea Snax makes them great-tasting! Crispy and salty green vegetables are the best.

Get that good bacteria with your favorite fermented veggies, or my favorite form – kombucha! Our whole family loves GTs Enlightened Gingerberry.

Another winner from the water is sea food! Easily digestible protein and full of good vitamins and minerals, Safe Catch Tuna and Wild Planet Salmon are great foods for recovery (not to mention super easy and quick to prepare!).


Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

One of the most underrated nutrient-rich super foods is grass-fed beef. The good fats and high protein will help fill you up and bring you down off that sugar-high.

Your Favorite Recovery Recipes

Stacy’s Soup
(with healing broth and lots of veggies!)
stacy's soup

Matcha Latte Bites
(with collagen!)
Matcha Latte Collagen Bites with Vital Proteins by Paleo Parents

Shrimp Salad
(with nutrient-rich seafood!)
Shrimp Salad by PaleoParents

Chicken Liver Mousse
(with organ meats!)
Chicken Liver Mousse on PaleoParents

Kale with Apples and Onions
(with dark leafy greens!)
Kale with Apples and Onions

Weekly Discounts & Coupons

We’re fortunate to partner with some incredible companies that, like us, work towards promoting health, wellness, and fun! Your support of these companies helps support us, and we greatly appreciate that.

Paleo discounts and coupon codes November 2015, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up
Paleo discounts and coupon codes November 2015, Halloween Recovery Ideas!! | Paleo Parents Weekend Wrap Up

ONE STOP PALEO SHOP: 10% off with code: paleoparents

THE DIRT15% off all orders —> follow link to get the code

PETE’S PALEO: 10% off meals and gut kits with code: paleoparents

THE SOX BOX10% off with code: stronglikestacy

FARM TO PEOPLE$10 off your first order! Follow link to get deal!

VITAL PROTEINS10% off your order plus free shipping with code: VPA-0626-97BR1-LYIQ

STRENGTH SHOP USA10% off your next order with discount code: SSABCT10

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