Weekend Wrap-Up, 9/13

Every Saturday we bring you a blog rendition of some of our favorite things going on this week in our own world and in the paleo world at large in a Weekend Wrap-Up. Every week we will feature our favorite paleo recipes from our archives and from other paleo bloggers that are  on our minds lately, as well as a few coupons for products we personally love, and some suggested reading for things we found interesting this week. Let’s do this thing!

Happy Birthday Stacy!

We’ve had a busy week this week…. well, I guess like always. That’s just how we roll in the Paleo Parents household. We really don’t know how to keep still or idle, and we always live life to the fullest as best we can. On Wednesday we celebrated Stacy’s birthday, and we had such a great time cooking Stacy’s favorite foods and snuggling together as a family. 

stacy's birthday eggs

For breakfast we had Eggs Stacy… her absolute favorite, and a well loved recipe from our blog.  It’s kinda like an awesome mash up of Eggs Florentine and Eggs Benedict. You should definitely check it out! Delish…

prep chicken and waffles

For dinner we cooked a feast inspired by The Ancestral Table Cookbook. For the full details of this wonderful meal, make sure to keep reading below. (Hint…. #chickenandwaffles )

Our Favorite Paleo Parents Archive Recipe of the Week:

Rocky Road Blondies

Rocky Road Blondies by PaleoParents

If you can’t tell already, we are kinda nuts for Chocolate and Marshmallows. This recipe was a collaboration of a few different ideas, and it really is proof that sometimes it takes a few different people to come up with a good idea. You can read the story about how we created this recipe with homemade marshmallows for some special friends of ours, and get the full recipe here. 

The Best New Recipes in Paleo of the Week:

Just a few short years ago, paleo recipes were hard to find, but now there is such an abundance of great, real-food blogs. We hope you enjoy them!

best recipes of the week 11

To see all these recipes, click on the links below:

Paleo Mummy Dogs (Top 8 Allergen Free!) by Predominately Paleo 
Roasted Beet Noodles with Pesto and Baby Kale by Inspiralized
Protein Pumpkin Spice Coffee by Stupid Easy Paleo
Blue Crab and Chipotle Bisque by The Domestic Man
Paleo Pumpkin Cheesecake by A Girl Worth Saving
Cantaloupe and Mint Kombucha by Rubies and Radishes

Want more recipes from us?

check out our books

Coupons and Special Deals!


When we find deals on things we love and use anyway, we like to take advantage. So of course we pass on these great deals to you when we find them! Every week we’ll highlight some products we think you’ll find useful, interesting, or just plain awesome! Remember, you can always see what we recommend on our sidebar! We REALLY appreciate you shopping though the links on our blog or newsletter, as it supports the costs of running the blog without resorting to advertisers of things we can’t control.


us wellness meats coupon estrogen

This is really an awesome coupon to be able to use to stock up on high quality pastured and grass fed meats from US Wellness Meats! They have a flat shipping rate, so you can fully take advantage of this coupon code “estrogen” for 15% off orders of 40 pounds or less. Especially with kids back in school, their grass fed hot dogs and snack sticks are a lifesaver for us. Come to think of it — I better stock up on those hot dogs so that we can make that Paleo Mummy Dog recipe that we just mentioned above…. 

one stop paleo shop cupon

The cool cavepeople at OneStopPaleoShop.com gave us an exclusive coupon discount for 15% off your next order on their site with coupon code: PALEOPARENTS . You can check out all their Paleo-friendly products here. 

Pete's Paleo New Meal Lines

 Pete’s Paleo Meal Service now has a line of 21 Day Sugar Detox approved meals, Wahls Paleo Meals AND a Gut Healing KIT! How awesome is that? You can also get 5% off total order with our discount code: thepaleoview .


new sox box

Need some workout socks and want to support soldiers? Stacy’s favorite brand from thesoxbox.com gave us the discount code for 5% off your order with code: “stronglikestacy”(plus 20% goes to wounded veterans!). 

What are we reading and cooking this week?

The Ancestral Table: Traditional Recipes for a Paleo Lifestyle


Final Cover Ancestral Table

e celebrated Stacy’s birthday this week on Wednesday, and for her birthday she requested a very special comfort meal that happens to be all the rage on fine dining menus these days: Chicken and Waffles! Even though this dish might have it’s origins in the Southern United States, it is quickly becoming popular all over and we totally understand the reason why. You guys know how salty and sweet go together right? Well there is just something about fried chicken with waffles and maple syrup that just goes together so perfectly, even though it might seem strange.

chicken and waffles

We paired our own famous Waffles from our first book with Russ’s recipe for Fried Chicken from The Ancestral Table, and also served his Meaty Collard Greens from the book on the side. The whole meal was just magical, and while Fried Chicken won’t be an everyday kind of recipe, it is definitely something worthy of a fun special occasion! The Meaty Collard Greens however couldn’t be simpler, and is definitely a regular staple in our house. 

more chicken and waffles

Upcoming Events:

Farewell Potluck Party for The Domestic Man Family

russ leaving

As much as we are in denial, Russ and family from The Domestic Man are relocating with the Navy to Florida in early October *sad face*. So, what better way to say farwell than with a giant potluck?!

RULE: YOU MUST BRING A DISH FROM THEDOMESTICMAN.COM or HIS BOOK THE ANCESTRAL TABLE (or else bring something to drink) If you make a dish with rice or dairy (even butter) please label it as such for those of us with food intolerances. Labeling nightshades (peppers, spicy herbs, tomatoes, eggplant, and white potato) as well as nuts is super helpful too! Best yet, label the dish with the name and ingredients (if you’re an overachiever). 
BONUS! Mickey Trescott from AutoimmunePaleo.com will also be in town – so you’ll have AT LEAST 3 bloggers with cookbooks in attendance. Feel free to bring your books to get signed! Don’t stress out about cooking for us, we’ll likely be the ones to screw something up 😉

Look forward to seeing you all and wishing Russ and family a fond farewell (or perhaps we’ll duct tape them here so they can’t leave). Make sure you RSVP to the party HERE. 

Instagram ♥

There’s also been a lot going on over on Instagram, go check it out so you don’t miss out! You can catch glimpses of our every day life, with plenty of heavy lifting, our boys being #totesadorbs and all the delicious things that Matt cooks for our family!

insta grid

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