Weekend Wrap Up, 12/7

Hi, From Matt & Stacy!

Now that we’re between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we’re avoiding getting overwhelmed and burned out by taking some time for ourselves. We’re hanging out with our boys, visiting friends, and catching up on all the things we’ve been missing the last couple of months of travel. We hope you, too, are hanging out with your family this holiday season!

Last weekend we cut down our own Christmas tree and got the house all decorated this week, we’re fully in the spirit! But, the coolest thing we did this week is visit our favorite restaurant, Washingtonian Magazine’s best restaurant in Northern Virginia, The Restaurant at Patowmack Farm with the local Dulles Organic group (what a great night with like-minded foodies)!



We love going out for special meals every once in a while and let me assure you that this place is very special! All local, seasonal, organic or grass-fed ingredients. And the chef, Tarver King is an artist, in more ways than one. We’ve had some of the best meals of our life here, if you ever get the opportunity we highly suggest you check it out. Don’t worry about the drive, make a night of it and stay at a nearby B&B – that’s what we do!

We stayed in a local Bed and Breakfast and woke up yesterday to enjoy being spoiled with a gluten-free feast before enjoying the Middleburg parade and exploring Virginia’s lovely Loudoun County. We’re planning on getting in a workout and then making a gingerbread house today.

Have an awesome week! We have a fun, exciting announcement to share very soon!


Our Real Life: Instagram Favorites

What are our daily lives are really like? Ready to take our relationship to a publicly acceptable stalking level? Instagram is where it’s at! PS: Click on any photo to take you to the live version on Instagram!Follow us on Instagram –> HERE!




We Recommend

We have a special visitor at our house again this Christmas season! Our Elf is back! And we’re not sure who has more fun – us or the boys. We love creating traditions and making new holiday memories every year!

Another favorite tradition is that our Christmas Eve is spent with the boys at home. We always open presents of books and pajamas and spend the night reading together. Some of our all-time favorite books are:
Who Will Help Santa This Year by Jerry Pallotta
How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss
A Bad Kitty Christmas by Nick Bruel
Skippyjon Jones Snow What by Judy Schachner

Don’t Miss

Woo Hoo! Real Life Paleo made it into Paleo Living Magazine’s Annual Gift Giving Guide. So thankful that our book is reaching more and more people, and we hope you can help get it into the hands of those who need it the most. We also happen to think Real Life Paleo makes a great Christmas gift!


Real Life Paleo, Paleo Parents Third Cookbook

Real Life Paleo

All Costco Canada LocationsIn B&N.com (33% OFF!) and In Stores (NOOK $9.99)Amazon.com (35% OFF!) and (KINDLE $9.99)Book Depository (17% OFF)Whole Foods Markets (select locations)



Upcoming Events

The Paleo View Book Signing Tour
We love hearing your stories and seeing your smiling faces! Meeting the people who are cooking our recipes and transforming their health is our great joy! Please RSVP to the FREE book tour events so we can ensure enough seats and books for everyone!

1/2/15     Nashville, TN

1/3/15     Minneapolis, MN (rescheduled from Nov 2014)

1/4/15    TBD (sadly we are having a hard time booking Toronto)

Please let us know if there are any great gluten-free/paleo-friendly restaurants in the cities we will be going to and don’t forget to tag #TPVBookTour and #RealLifePaleo when you share photos of events!!

Stacy will also be attending Paleo FX in both Austin, TX and Denver, CO in 2015!


On the Blog this Week

The Paleo View Podcast: Stacy and Sarah cover nutritional information on the Broth 2.0 show, plus they welcome guests Caitlin Weeks and Nabil Bournar, authors of Mediterranean Paleo!

Peppermint Hot Chocolate: Yep, we shared this recipe from Real Life Paleo (one of Cole’s all-time favorites!) just in time for the winter weather and holiday get-togethers.



AIP Gingerbread Men: Gabrielle from Beyond the Bite shared Autoimmune-friendly Gingerbread Men. She’s an impressive teen using the Autoimmune Protocol to help heal from Chronic Lyme Disease. We love to hear healing stories like hers!


Food We’re Loving

Butter Pecan Apples are the perfect *not too sweet* treat- simple to make and full of warm, buttery, cinnamon-y goodness for cold winter days.

Butter Pecan Apples by PaleoParents WLC 21DSD

Candy Cane Cookies are a recreation of a childhood favorite of Stacy’s and bring back memories of days spent baking Christmas cookies with her Grandma.

Candy Cane Cookies at PaleoParents.com

Egg Foo Young has always been a family favorite- and even the boys love these flavorful egg patties! Serve with a green salad for an easy dinner, or our Mongolian Beef from Real Life Paleo for take-out night at home.

Egg Foo Young on Paleo Parents

You Caught Our Eye!

We love doing projects as a family, and we think the boys will love making these ornaments! Star Wars, Ninja Turtles, Legos… yep! Here is a whole round-up of BOY themed ornaments that even your girls would love to make at home.

Homemade gifts are some of the best gifts, and especially when they’re food! Lexi of Lexi’s Clean Kitchen has free printable edible gift labels to add a special touch to those yummy holiday gifts.

We loved this article posted via tweet by our Strong Woman Radio podcast co-host, MissVFit! Just remember, we were drinking bone broth before it was cool!


Weekly Savings & Discounts

We’re fortunate to partner with some incredible companies that, like us, work towards promoting health, wellness, and… fun! Your support of these companies helps support us, and we greatly appreciate that.  Every week, we round-up the best coupons, discounts and saving and pass them along to you.


ETSY $5 off your purchase for new Etsy customers!

US WELLNESS MEATS 15% off any order under 40 lbs, with code: “soda” (12/7-12/9)

PALEO SCAVENGER 20% off all products with code: “paleoparents” (12/5-12/12)


DRYWELL ART 15% off with code: “hammy holidays” (12/6-12/13)

KAELIOKOOKIES 20% off with code: “paleoparents20” (through 12/31)

ONE STOP PALEO SHOP 15% off with code “paleoparents” (through 12/31)

PALEO MAGAZINE PRINT 1/2 off print subscriptions! Thats $14.98 US and $18.13 CAN! (through 12/31)

PALEO MAGAZINE ONLINE 3 months free access! (through 1/1/15)

EXO PROTEIN BARS 10% off with code: “booktour” (through 1/5/15)

THE SOX BOX 10% off with code: “stronglikestacy”


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