Ubiquitous Begging & Reminders

We never created this blog to win a popularity contest, so I’m not exactly thrilled about self-promotion… However, the idea of getting real food into kids’ bellies and changing their health is driving us to really try to infiltrate the mainstream as best we can. Plus, we’ve got a LOT going on in the next couple of weeks so we wanted to remind you:

    1. We’re still accepting recipes for our Halloween Recipe Round-Up, which will go live next Monday.  Please let me know if you’re planning to participate, we need your entry NLT this Sunday the 16th to include you in the “healthy halloween” post we’ll make on the 17th.


    1. We’ve joined Top Baby Blogs in the hopes that we might provide some balance to the plethora of vegetarian mommy bloggers. If you enjoy our blog, vote for us here or click the image in the side bar.  Maybe we can get a daddy blogger and healthy, active kids eating meat and veggies in the top 25!


    1. We’ve got a series in the works, we’ll post Part 1 of “Making the Book” when we receive 50 “likes” on Amazon for our book. So go click “like” then comment and tell us what you’d like to know about the process so we can make sure to answer your questions!


    1. We’re giving away 20 FREE copies of Eat Like a Dinosaur to the people who refer the most traffic to this page, read more about it here.  We loved Primal Palate’s idea, in fact we received a free copy of Make it Paleo by adding an image with their link to our sidebar, so we want to let you do the same on your site (unfortunately our analytics don’t work through Facebook or Twitter).


  1. Lastly, you may have missed it over the holiday weekend, we joined Pinterest! You can now find links on our site to “pin” our posts or to follow our boards.


Sincerely, we appreciate your participation on this blog. Really, we appreciate the entire community that is coming together and creating a movement for healthy living. We’re honored you choose to spend some of your time hanging out here. We’ve hit some big milestones with site traffic and we hope we can live up to the expectations!


OK, I’ll sneak in a little update… have you met Dobby, our new paleo kitten?

Matt and I got an orange tabby together about 10 years ago; Simon has been a part of our family for longer than we’ve even had kids! The poor guy’s been tortured by the kids for years. He’s a very chill cat, not much for “playing” Spidercat and the other ideas the boys have already come up with though.

When we heard there were too many cats in our county shelter because of an extra long summer we decided it was good timing to get the kids a pet they could grow up playing with.  Dobby is just that, non-stop playful and adventurous – he’s a perfect family fit.   He even steals meat off the table and refuses his old grain-filled kitten food we were supposed to transition him from. He even ate Simon’s Paleo dinner the first night we had him!  Gonna have lots of fun with this guy! For those keeping count, yes, he’s a male. And that makes 7 living in one house.

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