Our ninety-eighth show!
Ep. 98: The Bone Broth Show
On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah share on the why of their broth love, how to make the perfect broth, and answer a number of broth related questions.
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 98: The Bone Broth Show
- Intro (0:00)
- News and Views (1:03)
- Stacy went to her company’s work picnic over the weekend and the family had a great time – the family also worked on the final cover for Real Life Paleo, in partnership with The Domestic Man, Paleo Sitter Sam and Virginia is for Hunter-Gathers
- The new cover for Real Life Paleo showcases the unique content and recipes that readers will find and how this book presents a three phase transitional approach to paleo (swap, remove and heal)
- Sarah is sort of done with The Paleo Approach Cookbook, she will still need to review final proofs and make final edits before the book goes to print
- Sarah shared on the final steps of editing, the additions to the book and what it will feel like to officially cross the finish line
- Check Sarah’s site for the July book signing schedule and details – be sure to preorder your book when RSVPing so you are guaranteed a copy
- Stacy thanked all the supporters of The Paleo View
- A large number of bone broth related questions have been piling up so this week’s show will be all about bone broth
- Stacy is a huge advocate of bone broth, for some inspiration check #bonebrothheals #soupwithStacy #breakfastsoup
- Science with Sarah (24:25)
- One of the reasons we like bone broth is because of the bone health nutrients in it, and the nutrients that are important for bone health are also important for connective tissue, skin, hair, nails, teeth
- Sarah discussed the beneficial minerals and vitamins that are found in broth
- There are also essential fatty acids found in broth
- One of the reasons why bone broth is so great for bone health is because you are dissolving the elements that bones are made of and consuming them in a liquid form
- In addition to the vitamins and minerals that you are consuming, you are also getting in a great source of collagen
- Bone broth is considered offal
- Recipes for bone broth are carefully created to assist in the bone mineralization process, both from a cook time and ingredient list stand point
- When Sarah is making broth she knows it is ready to cool when the bones crumble in her fingers
- Lots of people reuse these leftover softened bones
- Both Eat Like a Dinosaur and Beyond Bacon provide recipes for broth
- And The Paleo Approach Cookbook will also provide a broth recipe
- Questions and Answers (35:20)
- Ingrid – which animal provides the most nutrient dense broth?
- Stacy knows that animals with joints provide the most collagen
- Ideal broth should look like jello when cool and make your lips sticky when warm
- Stacy recommends using feet, necks, ox tails, or knuckle to make broth
- Sarah explained that fish heads and bones provide quite a bit of nutrients
- Grass-fed beef and fish will be your best options
- Sarah shared on the nutrients present in chicken broth and to be sure to skim the fat off the top to minimize your omega-6 intake
- Stacy and Sarah shared their opinions on chicken intake and how to balance your omega-3 and omega-6 ratios
- At the end of the day, all broths are good choices and will provide you with a variety of nutrients
- (45:21) Nicole – should bone broth smell bad while cooking? what are you thoughts on buying broth online?
- When Matt and Stacy first made broth the smell bothered them, but now Stacy enjoys the smell
- Stacy suggests making the broth outdoors if you have the option to do so
- Matt and Stacy have never purchased broth online, but US Wellness Meats, Tropical Traditions and Bare Bones Broth are all great options
- Stacy also suggests that you check with your local farmers to see if they sell broth
- (51:20) Janice – how to handle digestive issues from the grease?
- After skimming the grease off the top, add carbs to the soup
- Check Stacy’s Soup recipe here for details on how Matt adds vegetables to the soup to ease the digestion process for Stacy
- (53:58) Kayla – is it safe to use the bones from deer? is it safe to consume organ meat from deer?
- Stacy feels that it is safe to use any and all parts from the deer, just make sure that organs are thoroughly cooked through
- Sarah shared information on organ meat from wild animals and what to be aware of when preparing offal from herbivores
- (1:00:04) Gayle – looking for information on marrow
- Sarah shared on the stem cells in marrow and what they do
- Marrow is naturally fatty and it is naturally very rich in amino acids not found in muscle meat
- It is more similar to collagen
- It is one of the healthiest things you can eat because of the fundamental role it plays in the body
- There is no badness
- Stacy shared on how she eats marrow since she doesn’t have a gallbladder
- Ingrid – which animal provides the most nutrient dense broth?
- Stacy’s autoimmune condition is greatly impacted in a beneficial way by the consumption of broth, which is why she is such a big advocate of it
- Both Sarah’ and Stacy’s sites and books provide a number of recipes that utilize broth outside of soups, so be sure to check those out and to think of broth outside of the mug
- Thanks everyone! We will be back next week!
- Outro (1:13:09)