TPV Podcast, Episode 96: Checking-In

Our ninety-sixth show!

Ep. 96: Checking-In

On this episode of The Paleo View, our show hosts do a quick check-in to give Sarah some much needed time to wrap up the final pieces of The Paleo Approach Cookbook before sending if off to print.

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 96: Checking-In

  • Intro (0:00)
  • News and Views (1:03)
    • Stacy got off the tattoo table right before this show was recorded and shared on her experience, why she always wanted a tattoo on her shoulder and the meaning behind the design she chose
    • Sarah is working very hard to wrap up The Paleo Approach Cookbook to send it off to print
      • Diane Sanfilippo is writing a cover endorsement and came up with a brilliant idea for an extra appendix, so Sarah will be working on that after the podcast
    • Since Sarah is on a tight deadline with the book, this is the extent of the show this week – short, sweet, check-in style
    • Sarah shared on her urge to runaway because of the amount of work left to get done, and she is really looking forward to getting away on vacation after the book goes to print
    • When Stacy and Sarah regroup on next week’s show, Sarah will be recording from Canada
    • Stacy congratulated team member and podcast assistant Monica on the pending arrival of her second baby – check out her first, second and third trimester post if you want the scoop on her pregnancy
    • Stacy wished Sarah safe travels and can’t wait to connect with her from her motherland
    • Thanks all for listening and for being patient with another check-in show while Sarah is in the thick of book wrap up
    • If you miss Sarah and Stacy be sure to follow them on social media, blogs and newsletters – check the sidebars for the links! 
  • Outro (14:58)

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