TPV Podcast, Episode 90: Paleo for Business

Our ninetieth show!

Ep. 90, Paleo for Business

In this episode of The Paleo View, Sarah and Stacy are joined by Simone of Zenbelly Catering, and Sarah and Pete from Pete’s Paleo to chat about the growing world of paleo businesses. The group discusses the pros and cons of this rapidly expanding niche within the market, and how to select the best companies to support.

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 90, Paleo for Business

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 0:47 – News & Views
    • This week’s show features some of Stacy’s and Sarah’s friends from the paleo community who are running businesses the right way, and to chat on the why and how of bringing paleo to the masses through their individual efforts
    • Joining us, Sarah and Pete from Pete’s Paleo and Simone from Zenbelly Catering
    • Stacy shared on her massive deadlift PR
    • Stacy met Sarah and Pete at last year’s Paleo f(x) and then later connected at Bill and Hayley‘s wedding and learned about Pete’s Paleo, which provides nationwide shipping of quality sourced meals, they are also releasing a cookbook at the beginning of July, Paleo By Season, and will be having a baby girl around the summer solstice
    • Simone will also be releasing a book in August, The Zenbelly Cookbook, and she runs a catering business out of the San Francisco area – Stacy tried Simone’s food at Nom Nom Paleo’s book release party
    • Sarah is in zombie mode from her San Francisco trip and is excited to listen in on how the business of paleo is growing
    • For this week’s show, Stacy wants to chat about all the good that can come from the growth of paleo businesses, and how the accessibility to paleo resources impacts the growth of the community and success for individuals choosing to adapt this lifestyle
    • Pete and Sarah shared on how they came into the world of paleo and what the company grew from
      • Their goal is to educate people about why it is personally beneficial to eat a paleo diet and to provide folks with meals who simply don’t have the time to prepare their own meals
    • When working with a company to see if they are high-quality, ethically sourcing, etc. what should one look for and ask?
      • The phrase “when available” should be a red flag
      • You want to see, “we only use organic” or “we only use pastured animals”
      • When at the farmer’s market talk with the farmer’s and ask questions about their products, if genuine they will excitingly share details
      • Ask vendors of animal products, what the animals are fed, and if they say they receive supplement it means they receive grains
      • Not all vendors can afford to be certified organic right away, so be sure to ask questions because many may utilize organic practices, but simply aren’t certified
      • Know that the produce shouldn’t look grocery store perfect, that isn’t the reality of real food
      • Be sure to find more information on this topic on The Paleo View episode 45, featuring Joel Salatin
    • The group discussed the differences between paleo services and paleo products, and how careful one needs to be when a product is labeled as paleo or primal
    • Stacy asked Pete, Sarah and Simone to share on how to best sift through questionable paleo businesses
      •  Always read labels, the front of the package is just decoration
      • Pete shared on sustainable practices versus short cuts to weight-loss
    • (41:07) Pete’s Health Transformation
      • Pete use to live a really intense lifestyle and enjoyed going out all the time
      • When he met Sarah he had accepted an unhealthy life, however, they did a paleo challenge together a month after meeting, but he went right back to his old habits after the challenge
      • One night Pete woke up with a 102 degree fever and a painful heartbeat, and after a trip to the hospital discovered that he had pericarditis
      • He was told that the impact of his pericarditis would last a lifetime
      • Fast forward a few years later after starting Pete’s Paleo, adapting a paleo lifestyle and working out, at a doctor’s check up they discovered that his heart had healed
    • Stacy noted that while many people come to paleo for diet purposes, a lot of people stay for health
    • Sarah asked what consumers can do to support ethical paleo businesses
      • Continue to support through your patronage and general word of mouth (especially sharing sample with family and friends), these companies are happy to connect with the consumers and to share on what their products mean to them
    • And Pete notes that if you want to start a paleo business do it right, the market is there
      • Don’t make compromises
      • Set your prices with integrity and awareness around your mission and purpose
    • Simone talked about supporting the kickstarter campaigns
    • There is plenty of opportunity out there and consumers need to simply demand the best
    • To find gluten-free catering companies talk to companies and be very specific about what all needs to be excluded, avoid the phrases paleo and gluten-free, and talk more about the quality of ingredients, emphasize farm-to-table style, and the food allergies you need to work around
    • Stacy noted how she handles companies/restaurants when making special requests and reminds people to not be apologetic about your health
    • Simone notes to know where you are at and where you can and can’t make requests
    • Thank you Pete, Sarah and Simone for joining this week’s show and for being a quality source!
    • Don’t forget to check out Pete’s Paleo, Zenbelly CateringPaleo By Season,  and The Zenbelly Cookbook
    • And exclusive for The Paleo View listeners, enter ‘thepaleoview’ at check out when placing a Pete’s Paleo order and receive a 5% discount off your entire order!
  • 1:16:48 – Outro

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