Our seventy-third show! Ep. 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo
In this episode, Stacy and Sarah answer questions about transferring families to a paleo lifestyle.
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 73: Transitioning Families to Paleo
- 0:00 – Introduction
- 0:47 – News & Views
- Stacy just got back from a west coast trip with Aimee, they stayed at Against All Grain‘s house and had a blast exploring and doing the touristy stuff
- While in San Francisco Stacy and Aimee attended Nom Nom Paleo’s book launch and Chris Kresser’s book launch – they got to meet a lot of new folks from the paleo community and enjoyed eating and drinking their way through the city
- On New Year’s Eve Matt and Stacy hosted a paleo potluck with Russ, The Domestic Man, his family and a Paleo Parents review team member
- Sarah’s family had an early night on New Year’s Eve, but a couple days later Sarah and her husband went to the movies and had a blast
- Sarah and her husband have officially started their lifting classes and Sarah is feeling the burn from her work
- Stacy referred Sarah to check out her post on how to take on a new weight lifting regimen without breaking your body
- The Paleo Approach will be arriving at Sarah’s house within the next week
- Don’t forget to sign up for both Stacy and Sarah’s newsletters for exclusive updates and news
- At Whole Foods in Virginia Beach Stacy will be hosting a book signing and participating in a cooking demo and paleo presentation – for more information check out the Meat Up group
- On January 13, Stacy will also be at Kresser’s book signing in DC – for more information check out the Meat Up group
- On January 24, Matt, Stacy and Russ will be hosting a cooking demo at Sur La Tab in DC – for more information check out the Meat Up group
- The Paleo Parents e-book, 3 Phase Paleo, launched on Thursday, January 9, which is currently offered at a sale price through Thursday, January 16 ONLY – 50% OFF!!!
- The book is on how to transition your family to a paleo lifestyle in three easy steps
- The book is all encompassing for different kinds of families with different needs
- The guide breaks down the how of paleo to make it more manageable
- Sarah notes that she has never seen a resource like this that fully helps families transition into a paleo lifestyle – it is incredibly thorough
- This week’s podcast will honor the launch of 3 Phase Paleo with Q&A themed around how to transition your family to a paleo lifestyle
- 37:19 – Science with Sarah: Sleep Loss Recovery
- Sarah shared data from a research study on how sleep quality and quantity impacts the immune system (refer to the information from studies shared here and here)
- In summary, the study found that a huge subset of the immune system is stimulated from lack of sleep – they also saw huge increases in inflammation and immune cell activation
- They also found natural killer cells decrease
- Some of the markers of inflammation do recover from two days of proper rest over the weekend, but markers that impact autoimmunity do not recover
- This creates a very strong link between sleep deprivation and the immune system
- If two days isn’t enough for full repair and recovery, how many days are? The answer is that we don’t know, we simply know that we need more than two days
- What we know is that sleep needs to be a priority every day
- 48:32 – Questions & Answers
- Tanya – how should vegan families approach a paleo lifestyle?
- Stacy encourages you to ask your clients why they practice a vegan lifestyle
- Denise Minger’s new book Death by Food Pyramid is a good resource to refer these clients to, also The Vegetarian Myth
- When Stacy is feeding a vegan family member she incorporates more non-animal cooking fats like coconut oil, palm shortening and palm oil
- It is important if you have a lot of vegetables in your diet to consume enough fat that will make the nutrients from the vegetables fat-soluble
- You can make vegan and vegetarian broth as well to absorb nutrients a little better
- The difficult part is protein, there isn’t a vegan protein that is paleo compatible
- Focus on more of the raw vegan side of the approach and discourage the use of processed soy foods
- Encourage a real foods practice, Westin A. Price approach
- Focus on other nutrient dense foods that are compatible with vegan like fermented foods, coconut products, sea vegetables
- Also refer them to paleo blogs of folks who were once vegan or vegetarian
- (59:41) Sarah – what are some good paleo school lunch ideas?
- Roast beef wrapped around avocado
- Grass-fed hot dogs
- Ham with mustard and pickles
- Cold leftover chicken or chicken nuggets
- Trail mix (any nuts or dried fruits your kids like – can add chocolate chips)
- Chopped up raw vegetables
- Apple and banana chips
- Fresh fruit
- US Wellness Meats bologna, pork rinds, meat sticks
- Hard boiled eggs
- Plantain crackers
- Cold scrambled eggs
- Paleo kits
- Jerky
- Canned salmon or tuna salad
- Sea Snax
- Kale chips
- Nut or seed flour based muffins or cookies
- Larabars
- Grain-free granola with coconut milk or coconut milk yogurt
- Wholly Guacamole
- Black olives
- Smoothies
- Epic bars
- Refer to this podcast for additional ideas
- (1:10:42) Ashley – how do you approach teachers about your lifestyle choices? How do you comfort your child when they feel different from their peers?
- Explain your child’s reaction to the foods you eliminated to both your doctor(s) and teacher(s) – it is a food sensitivity that they need to fully understand
- Stacy and Matt have educated their kid’s teachers by giving them a copy of Eat Like a Dinosaur to help shed more light on their lifestyle and how they can support it
- Stacy and Matt also work with the teachers on helping their children feel supported in the classroom, but they are careful to include foods that make them feel normal
- Create a trusted partnership with the caretakers of your children, don’t make it a burden for them, but help them support your children
- If you are doing the right thing at home and you are able to moderate the extent to which your child is being exposed at school, you will see improved health results
- The biggest thing is to empower your kids to make healthy choices
- Tanya – how should vegan families approach a paleo lifestyle?
- (1:27:09) Sarah is hosting a huge giveaway on her site right now, so be sure to check it out and enter!
- Not Another Diet Women’s Holistic Expo is free if you register in advance and will feature 25 experts in alternative health discussing not dieting and how to achieve a healthy lifestyle – Sarah will be one of the speakers
- 1:36:10 – Outro