TPV Podcast, Episode 50: Paleo Philosophy – Part 3

Our fiftieth show!
Ep. 50: Paleo Philosophy – Part 3

In this episode, Stacy and Sarah tackle part-three of the paleo philosophy discussion and round out this series with a look at vegetable intake and nutrient density.

Be sure to listen to part-one of the series and then part-two.

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 50: Paleo Philosophy – Part 3

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 1:19 – News & Views
    • Stacy and Matt just got back from a trip and the kids are a little wild
    • Sarah’s kids have also been having some foods on their trip that are out of the norm and are acting a little wild because of it
    • It has been a little bit difficult for Sarah to find food that is 100% contamination free while eating out on vacation
    • This week’s show is scheduled to be part three of the paleo philosophy discussion
    • Sarah found last week’s discussion to be cathartic and the feedback on part-two was awesome
    • Stacy and Matt had a book signing in Virginia Beach and thank everyone who made it out – it was great to meet so many new folks!
    • Stacy and Matt also got to meet kids who have been positively impacted by Eat Like a Dinosaur, which is always so amazing
    • Stacy also spent time with her Mom at the beach and they all had a great weekend, but it was tiring and there was a bit too much car time
    • This last week Stacy hit her training goal and trained 8 days in a row
    • Matt and Stacy will be out of town just about every weekend in August, so Stacy feels like she has to fit in a lot of training in a compact amount of time
    • Work has also been crazy for Stacy – if she were an accountant, this would be her tax season
    • Every day that Matt and Stacy are in town, she wants to be training
    • Stacy is staying squeaky clean right now, which to her means no sugar, with the exception of fruit, no grains, no legumes, and sticking to dairy fat only from the dairy family
    • Stacy has lost a couple of pounds staying committed to her goals, and more importantly has seen amazing improvements at the gym – she is feeling great
    • Stacy has also signed up for a women’s only Strongman competition held by her gym, and it will be on December 14
    • Sarah is starting to get food cravings and is feeling unhealthy from the stress of editing The Paleo Approach
    • Sarah is handling a large chunk of the illustrations for her book, which is a lot to do on top of editing – however, this way she knows that the illustrations are at the quality level she expects
    • Sarah does really enjoy editing and illustrating, but she feels envious of all the fun things her family is doing
    • Sarah is trying her best to keep a positive attitude and to manage her stress, but it has been difficult
    • Stacy learned at the book signing that people still think that paleo is a meat only diet
    • Sarah eats a ton of vegetables, and the more she eats the better she feels and the better regulated her hormones are
    • There are those that think that paleo is a low-carb diet, some people think it is no fruit – there are just a lot of misconceptions about what the norm is for people
    • Stacy notes that it is easy for people to get confused about the different adjustments within the paleo eating style and why individuals make those adjustments
    • Sarah notes she has a post on the autoimmune protocol and why goitrogenic vegetables are perfectly safe
    • For Stacy she learned that she has to make sure her vegetables are cooked properly and she is fine
  • 24:51 – Paleo Philosophy Part-3
    • (38:53) Vegetables
      • Studies have shown that there is no negative impact on a low-carb, high-protein diet
      • There is a real link between meat consumption and cancer
      • There have been some studies that show that high levels of meat consumption, processed in particular, correlates with an increased risk of cancer
      • The important piece of information is that the link is only present when people don’t eat green vegetables
      • Research has found that chlorophyll, found in the green plants, stops your body from creating a carcinogenic product during digestion
      • If you are eating vegetables, there is no increased risk of cancer from consuming protein
      • While meat is a nutrient dense foods, it would be very hard to get all the vitamins and minerals we need without vegetables present
      • No one knows if there is such a thing as a perfect ratio of vegetables and protein, we just know you need both
      • Listen to your body and do what feels best
    • (46:07) Nutrient Density
      • Stacy feels frustrated that she didn’t figure out nutrient density in the beginning, but is grateful she eventually did to fully optimize her health
      • Stacy was able to find success with weight loss in the beginning, but didn’t figure out the nutrient piece until much later
      • For more information on this detail be sure to check our the Calton’s site and many awesome resources
      • It was night and day for Stacy when she started absorbing nutrients properly
      • When Stacy thinks of nutrient density she thinks of health and nourishing her body – what are the foods that fuel you best, what gives you the most bang for your buck
      • Examples of nutrient dense foods are sardines, organ meat, bone broth, heavy cream, pastured yolks, fish, seafood
      • Ever since Stacy took bone broth and organ meat seriously, she has seen and felt incredible results
      • Stacy finds ways to enjoy these nutrient dense foods so they don’t feel like a burden (i.e. chicken liver mouse with apples)
      • Sarah didn’t care for organ meat in the beginning, but her taste buds have changed so much that 80% of the time she prefers it over muscle meat
      • Stacy believes that kids are drawn to nutrient dense food, and if exposed to both organ meat and muscle meat will have the palate for both
      • Sarah notes that when we talk about nutrient density, we typically talk about micronutrients and sometimes fat quality
      • Sarah looks for the level of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants available when determining nutrient density
      • Sarah shared information on the ways in which we get certain essential nutrients
      • Mat Lalonde is working on a nutrient density guide
    • Next week there will be a standard question and answer show, and then the week after that will be the ‘Best Of’ show featuring highlights from the last year – let us know if you have favorites!
  • 1:14 – Outro

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