TPV Podcast, Episode 341: Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness

The Paleo View Podcast Episode 341 Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness

In this episode, Sarah and Stacy welcome special guest, Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness, for a conversation about how far the Autoimmune Protocol has come, the new AIP-specific clinical trials, and where the movement is today.

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 341: Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness

    • (0:00) Intro

      • Please welcome special guest, Mickey Trescott of Autoimmune Wellness!
      • Mickey has a new book coming out titled The Nutrient Dense Kitchen.
        • With the explosion of the Autoimmune community in the past couple years, Mickey has noticed there’s been a loss of focus on nutrient density. Mickey wrote this book to be approachable with a lot of nutrient dense recipes so you don’t have to be afraid of food. You can change your health by what you put on your plate!
        • Sarah is super excited about Mickey’s new cookbook! It’s gorgeous and she and her children are already bookmarking recipes they want to try.
    • (5:11) AIP Then

      • Mickey and Sarah were two of the first handful of people to do the autoimmune diet. Sarah first gave it a try in 2011, just 4 months after discovering the Paleo Diet.
      • Mickey first found the Autoimmune Diet after seeing Dr. Terry Wahls’ TEDx presentation on how she manages MS with diet and lifestyle.
      • At that time there were just a few mentions of the autoimmune protocol – one page in Robb Wolf’s book The Paleo Solution and half a page in Loren Cordain’s The Paleo Diet. Funny thing is, the food recommendations on each of these lists didn’t even match up, it was such a new idea.
      • Stacy remembers back in the day people didn’t even know what nightshades are!
    • (15:15) AIP Clinical Trials

      • There are now clinical trials which are beginning to bring medical awareness to the autoimmune protocol.
      • Mickey and her partner at Autoimmune Wellness, Angie Alt, are working with researchers on AIP clinical trials.
      • Mickey, Angie, and Sarah have co-created and co-teach the AIP Certified Coach Practitioner Training Program, an advanced training for practitioners across the spectrum of both natural and conventional healthcare.
      • Up til now, evidence that AIP works has just been anecdotal.
      • The study Mickey and Angie are involved with showed a 73% improvement in remission in just 6 weeks!
        • It was an 11 week study.
        • The first 6 weeks, patients did Angie’s SAD to AIP in 6 program (which transitions people into the AIP diet). Then they stayed on the AIP diet for the next 5 weeks.
        • They were given copies of The Paleo Approach and The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook as their two main resources.
        • 73% of patients were in full clinical remission by the time they finished transitioning to the autoimmune protocol in week 6 and maintained it.
        • Mickey says the most powerful takeaway was that these people were not newly diagnosed. They’d been living with an autoimmune disease for an average of 19 years and many of them had failed biologic treatment.
        • The  27% of people who didn’t achieve remission still had quantifiable improvement, but didn’t achieve remission.
      • More studies on quality of life and gut microbiome health are coming.
      • They’ve also partnered with Dr. Rob Abbott for a study on Hashimoto’s. They crowd-funded this study thanks to the AIP community!
      • AIP has always been more than a fad diet because it’s based on science and logic.
    • (23:50) AIP today

      • This movement has grown thanks to the people who’ve done it!
      • There are over 100 AIP bloggers today.
      • Thousands have told their doctors about their results on AIP. It has a powerful snowball effect!
      • Sarah guesses there are at least a million people out there who have a connection to AIP.
      • It’s thanks to everyone who has done AIP that there are now more options on the grocery and in restaurants.
      • One of the most special things about AIP is the community – and they’re all over the world! Get online and find an AIP group today!
      • Pick up a copy of Mickey’s new AIP-friendly book, The Nutrient Dense Kitchen, online or in stores today!
      • Sarah says a big thank you to Mickey and Angie for all their incredible work in the AIP community.
      • Connect with Mickey at!
  • Get your questions in! We want to hear from you! And there’s no end to questions we can answer and topics we can address!
  • Engage on social media! That’s how we get feedback!
  • Thank you for listening.

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