Our thirty-first show!
Ep. 31: Paleo Pregnancy
In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about fertility and pregnancy, paleo-style! We answer questions about getting ready for pregnancy, what foods to eat, what to avoid, and whether attempting the paleo pregnancy is even ideal in the first place!
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 31: Paleo Pregnancy
- 0:00 – Introduction
- 1:19 – News & Views
- 14:41 – Science with Sarah:
- A great paper by Prof. Loren Cordain on the nutrient density of the paleo diet
- What’s Up With Dairy? episode
- Chris Kresser on the difference between Folate and Folic Acid and another article on whether Folic Acid supplements are safe
- 28:56 – Q&A
- What should I do to prepare myself for pregnancy?
- Article on Mark’s Daily Apple on Pregnancy and Fertility, also read the comments, which feature Chris Kresser answering many additional questions
- The new Beautiful Babies book by Kristen Michaelis
- Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo
- The Weston A. Price Foundation recommendations for fertility
- The Importance of Fish in Our Diets
- The Mercury Content of Seafood: Should you worry?
- Why Everyone Should Be Eating Organ Meat
- La Leche League on tandem nursing
- 38:32 – Would it be safe to start paleo while pregnant?
- 45:55 – What is most important to focus on while pregnant?
- Nom Nom Paleo
Sarah and Nom Nom love their amber tinted glasses (shout out to Mark Sisson!)
A post by Chris Kresser on circadian rhythms
- 52:03 – How to supplement during pregnancy?
Stomach Acid support might help
- 59:34 – What herbs are unsafe during pregnancy?
- Avoid herbs that are traditionally used for labor induction
- Survey of labor inducing herbs
- A list of labor inducing herbs
- 1:05:39 – Is it okay to do autoimmune protocol while pregnant?
- What should I do to prepare myself for pregnancy?
- 1:46:37 Outro