TPV Podcast, Episode 293: Do I Have to Be Gluten-Free Forever?

Ep. 293: Do I Have to Be Gluten-Free Forever?

In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about if a little gluten now and then is so terrible for most people. Plus, they discuss genetic susceptibility to having issues with gluten.

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 293: Do I Have to Be Gluten-Free Forever?

  • Intro (0:00)
  • News and Views (0:40)
    • Get ready listeners, this episode is loaded with bloopers at the end!
    • Stacy is traveling and Sarah has a speaking engagement so they recorded this podcast a week early.
    • Stacy is amazed at how her and Sarah’s friendship has lasted because Sarah is so positive and enthusiastic, and Stacy is sardonic and sarcastic!
    • Stacy and family are headed off on a cruise, which was the boys’ Christmas gift.
      • They are all unplugging, not getting wifi on the ship.
        • Stacy has been trying to prepare ahead for this!
      • The boys chose Jamaican bobsledding as an excursion, which Stacy is crazy excited for!
        • Sarah is looking forward to nerding-out on Jamaican bobsled history with them!
      • The boys have never been out of the country before, they had to get passports.
      • After the cruise they are going to visit the Kennedy Space Center and then head over to Sarah’s house.
    • Sarah chaperoned a sleep-away field trip a couple weeks ago with her daughter’s class.
      • She had an amazing experience and it was great bonding time with her daughter.
      • It was long, exhausting days but she loved the curriculum and everything they learned.
      • She is still catching up on sleep.
  • Listener Question (16:27)
    • Gina asks, “Since late last year I have started listening to your podcast and I LOVE all the information you both share.. I have gone back and listened to so many old podcasts. My question for you is late last year I started seeing a registered dietitian to help lose weight (20 pounds overweight). I am active and eating for the most part a clean diet. I have not adapted a Paleo Diet as I eat very little meat protein. I am obsessed with eating healthy reading labels and trying to feed my family as healthful as possible.I had a Vibrant Wellness sensitivity test done I had 3 positive foods and 9 Moderate foods, Gluten Containing Grains and Gluten Free grains were among that list. With this information I had the gene test done for Celiac and I tested positive for the DQ8. And then also further had a wheat zoomer test done that, that came back showing some high risk for some of these panels. I was told I have leaky gut and to avoid gluten now for LIFE ahhhh.My husband and sister were also tested and both carrying a celiac gene. I just read your post on The Celiac Gene and am still confused. Do I need to avoid gluten forever, can I have some every once and awhile? I never noticed any symptoms that bothered me. When on vacation recently I did have pasta that wasn’t GF. I didn’t feel great after that but nothing that would stop me from eating again. I feel less bloated but not seeing weight loss. I don’t do well with being told NOT to have something. Will I develop Celiac disease if I continue to eat it gluten? Are my kids at risk since my husband and I both carry this gene?I know you both talk about that you and your family are gluten free, I just don’t know that I can do this 100% of the time. Is this really going to affect my body if we continue to allow some gluten in our diet? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!”
      • Stacy says that if it were her and she found out she had a hereditary disposition to gluten, she wouldn’t personally eat it.
        • Stacy is also a control freak and doesn’t like being told what to do.
        • She tells herself that she is choosing not to eat gluten, not that she “can’t.”
      • Sarah doesn’t subscribe to the dogma of everyone must be 100% gluten free all the time.
        • The idea that we haven’t adapted to eating modern foods is oversimplified.
        • She talks in depth in Paleo Principles about a study that compared genes over time, and they did find genetic adaptation in some areas.
          • One example is that some people have adapted to producing lactase into adulthood, called lactase persistence, which depends largely on your heritage.
      • The Celiac genes HLADQ2 and HLADQ8 are genetic adaptations related to the advent of agriculture.
        • This probably indicates we have had some adaptations to modern agriculture.
        • There is an incomplete understanding of how we’ve adapted to neolithic foods.
        • This suggests that not everyone needs to be gluten free 100% of the time.
          • Gluten-containing foods are not nutrient-dense foods.
          • There is a definitive link now between gluten and weight-gain.
          • There are other inflammatory compounds in gluten.
          • Wheat germ agglutinin can carry across the gut barrier and is highly inflammatory.
            • There isn’t a case to be made that gluten is a health food.
            • There is evidence that some people can tolerate gluten.
            • Gluten is inflammatory in all of us.
          • Even if you can tolerate gluten with no obvious affects, it is not a health-promoting food.
          • Gluten can affect people in a multitude of ways, from acne, sinus congestion, headaches, joint pain… it isn’t just bloating and gut symptoms.
          • Many people use travel as an excuse to consume gluten, which seems the opposite of what you might want- to feel your best and have a great immune system when exposed to germs.
          • Stacy likes to test the waters with her grey-area foods when she knows she can deal with the consequences like joint pain or skin breakouts.
          • The difference in people who can tolerate gluten on occasion and people who can’t touch it with a 10-foot pole is complex and has to do with magnitude of symptoms and recovery time.
      • Implications of gluten consumption in non-Celiacs with Celiac risk genes is an important topic.
        • 97% of Celiac disease sufferers have one or both gene variants.
        • These genes relate to zonulin production.
          • Zonulin is released by the gut cells when we eat gluten (in everyone.)
            • It acts on the tight junctions between the cells of the intestines.
              • This increases intestinal permeability, which allows things to get into the body which shouldn’t be in the body.
            • In Celiac disease this response is magnified, which allows all kinds of things into the body.
              • This drives body-wide inflammation.
          • Recent studies have show that those with the Celiac genes but not diagnosed with Celiac disease have the same magnified reaction to gluten with zonulin production.
            • This may happen in everyone with one or both of genes.
            • How prevalent is this? In North America 55% may have one of these genetic variations.
            • These genes are also associated with other autoimmune diseases and health problems.
        • There science is pretty conclusive that this 55% that have genetic susceptibility to Celiac disease are going to have health problems related to gluten consumption.
      • How do you live your life and feed your family 100% gluten free.
        • Reading labels is a great start!
        • Learn to be assertive with eating out and talking to restaurant staff, asking them to double check.
        • Being prepared is important- always pack protein and gluten-free snacks. Stacy’s family loves:
        • Research ahead of time where you are traveling to or will be eating at.
        • Cooking at home and replacing grains with more vegetables, fats and proteins means you will win on the nutrient front.
        • There are gluten-free replacements for just about anything- these make great transitions foods.
        • Know your currency food, if you can just have that one thing, everything else will be easier.
          • For Sarah this is chocolate and coffee.
          • If your currency is a grilled cheese sandwich on gluten-free bread on Sunday afternoon and that’s what it takes to keep you going the rest of the week, then that’s okay.
        • It does get better and easier the more you eat that way.
        • There are so many tools available for going gluten-free now, that weren’t there even 5 years ago.
        • The more you focus on the good that is happening in your body, the purpose, and what you can have, the easier it becomes.
    • We hope you all have a lovely spring break- whether you are traveling or having a staycation.
    • If you’ve enjoyed the show, please recommend it to someone who might enjoy it.

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