Our twenty-sixth show!
Ep. 26: The Best of the Paleo View
In this episode, Sarah had no internet for days and days so we’ve put together a clip show in the great tradition of television sitcoms! Remember: if you haven’t heard it, it’s new to you! This episode also features the never-before heard moment where Stacy convinces Sarah to start taking fermented cod liver oil as well as such guests as Diane Sanfilippo, Michelle from Nom Nom Paleo, Danielle from Against All Grain, and more!
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 26: The Best of the Paleo View
- 0:00 – Introduction
- 1:13 News and Views
- Green Pasture brand FCLO
- Sarah is an FCLO convert: TPM Tidbit: Is Fermented Cod Liver Oil Really That Magical?
- Sarah is No-Poo The Paleo Mom Doesn’t Wash Her Hair!!! Ew, Gross! La Vanille brand deodorant
- What exactly is Patchouli?
- 13:55 – Science with Sarah: What’s in dairy that’s potentially problematic?
- The Great Dairy Debate post
- The Paleo Answer
- Chris Kresser on dairy here and here
- The prevalence of lactose intolerance
- Cross reactivity with gluten sensitivity from GoDairyFree
- It’s actually camel and donkey milk that are seen as the best alternative to human milk
- But horse milk is actually quite common in Central Asia. Mongol warriors always rode mares into battle and drank their milk on long campaigns, even fermenting it into airag, which they used to get quite drunk.
- Questions and Answers
- 27:11 – What can you do to heal when you accidentally consume a food that makes you sick?
- Bone Broth
- L-Glutamine
- Gluten relief pills
- Our favorite coconut milk is back in stock!
- Licorice root tea
- Elana’s Ginger Licorice tea
- If you have trouble sleeping, Sarah can help you out!
- 41:37 – Tips about freezing food and food safety
- Sarah on how long gluten exposure will affect you
- Practical Paleo
- Check out these freezing tips
- Fools Gold is in Eat Like a Dinosaur
- Michelle uses a Sous Vide Supreme, pricey but versatile!
- Here’s the study on flash frozen vegetables are more nutrient dense than fresh
- As I said to Stacy, this section on food safety sounds like two germphobes and a woman who butters her bread with Staph aureus.
- Here’s food safety tips direct from the FDA!
- Seventh generation wipes
- Here’s the Mythbusters explanation of double dipping. Essentially, we make a much bigger deal about it than is necessary.
- 58:52 -What natural products are you using?
- I’m going to try to keep up with all these products and references that are being tossed about, but keep in mind I still use the cheapest bottle of Suave I can find because I am a man and I am lazy.
- The Oil Cleansing Method
- Primal Life Organics
- The OraWellness Brushing Blend used by Wellness Mama and Liz
- Primal Life Organics Tooth Powder
- Liz on the No Poo method and her results
- Sarah on No Poo
- GFSoap.com
- Grandma’s Lye Soap
- Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap
- Wilderness Family Naturals Deodorant
- Primal Life Organics Deodorant
- LaVanila Deodorant
- Me, Matt? Well, I have a medical condition that causes me to constantly sweat, even in 40 degree weather. I’ve given up hope of ever controlling that, even if I plated my armpits in aluminum alloys.
- Salt Spray, I guess?
- What is a Medical Aesthetician?
- Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup on Amazon and their website
- Did I hear books? Like as in by Liz Wolfe, Diane Sanfilippo, and Hayley Mason featuring her makeup work?
- Green Pastures Beauty Balm, which, and I can tell you from personal experience, does not smell so bad as to be an anaphrodisiac.
- Where do you get all this coconut oil? Try Tropical Traditions!
- Stacy’s hair care products
- Biomega brand shampoo
- Holistix Argan Oil Treatment
- 1:21:56 – Is there anything you wish you knew before you began paleo?
- Stefani’s post “The Healthiest, Happiest, Easiest Weight Loss in the World”
- Stefani’s follow up “Women Losing Weight: How I’m a Liar, and Why My Method of Weight Loss is Actually Hard as Hell”
- Stefani on weight set point
- Ancient Bodies, Modern Lives
- Sarah on bodyweight set-point
- 1:40:22 – What are some quick and easy paleo snack?
- 27:11 – What can you do to heal when you accidentally consume a food that makes you sick?
- 1:46:59 – Paleo Parenting
- Danielle is from the great recipe blog Against All Grain. Definitely check her out because her photography is amazing! Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest! Also, look out for her book next year!
- What are the most important factors in managing your autoimmune disease?
- Sarah on Managing Stress and on to get over Trouble Sleeping
- You can see Stacy’s baking obsession here, here, here, here.
- Practical Paleo
- Find your YMCA!
- 2:14:10 – Outro