TPV Podcast, Episode 180, Eyes on Your Own Plate, Please

Ep. 180, Eyes on Your Own Plate, Please

On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah share tips on how to share your enthusiasm for Paleo in a way that does not make others feel judged and criticized for their choices. They also answer a number of listener questions related to the subject of informing and encouraging others about Paleo, and the when, where and how to do so.

The Paleo View TPV 180 Eye own plate please

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 180, Eyes on Your Own Plate, Please

  • Intro (0:00)
  • News and Views (0:56)
    • After 5 days of being stuck at home from Winter Storm Jonas, Stacy thoroughly enjoyed her first trip out and a visit to a coffee shop!
    • In Stacy’s area they got 30+ inches of snow
      • They had electricity the whole time and had a lot of fun because they were prepared
      • They also made a lot of recipes for the blog and played a lot of board games
      • The kids even went out in the hot tub during the thick of the blizzard
    • Sarah received a little bit of snow and her kids went crazy for what they called “snow day”
    • The issues the snow is causing in Stacy’s area
    • Stacy’s handstand challenge her and Finn are doing together
    • Sarah prepping for the CrossFit open, and her wall ball challenge
    • Sarah’s excitement for finally being able to talk the CrossFit lingo, and Stacy has inspired her to start a handstand challenge as well
    • Why Stacy chose a handstand challenge
      • If you have been following along on Instagram and want more information, tune in to Stacy’s Strong Woman Radio‘s co-host, Vivian‘s periscope where they share more on these challenges
    • Stacy is so excited about all the recipes they will be sharing from their stretch of time home during the winter storm
    • Be sure you are signed up for Sarah’s and Stacy’s newsletters so that you don’t miss these special recipes, events, etc.
    • If you are in Austin or Houston, reminder that Sarah is in town the weekend this show airs – get all the event details HERE
  • Science with Sarah (22:44)
    • It is the season where people who went Paleo as a New Years resolution are starting to feel really good and want to keep going
    • That three to four week marker with the implementation of a Paleo lifestyle is when the magic starts to happen and you can’t imagine ever doing anything else
    • Stacy and Sarah thought it would be great for this week’s episode to focus on how we talk about Paleo – this is perfect for those who are new to the community and new to the excitement that comes with this transformation
    • When Sarah was new to Paleo and seeing such amazing results she wanted to share the information with others, and she did with every random stranger she would encounter, which turned out to not be an appropriate channel for her enthusiasm, which is why she started a blog
    • Starting a blog isn’t necessarily an appropriate avenue for how to handle that enthusiasm for everyone, so understanding how to talk about your diet and lifestyle with others is a valuable understanding to have
    • Stacy wants to make it very clear that she is not judging anyone, nor telling others what they should or should not eat – Stacy and Sarah discuss foods that are “Paleo approved” versus foods that are “treats” that are good for mental or social stability
    • Stacy’s feelings towards the question – is that Paleo?
    • Sarah’s thoughts on the ‘what did cavemen’ do argument
    • Alcohol while on a Paleo diet
      • The current consensus within the Paleo community is that occasional to moderate consumption of non-gluten containing alcohol is ok
    • We have to figure out how to implement Paleo and define the template within modern society and within the context of contemporary science
    • There are certain ‘is it Paleo’ questions that have maybe answers to them – there is no yes and no answer to these questions
    • In Sarah’s opinion the ‘is it Paleo’ question is not the best question to ask, that we should instead make our decisions based on the answer to ‘is this health promoting?’
    • Within this framework there is a lot of room for individual experimentation and figuring out what works for us as individuals
  • Questions & Answers (35:02)
    • Pam – how to handle someone who tells me that following a diet free of gluten is lacking in nutrients and will eventually lead to health problems?
      • When Stacy encounters someone with these beliefs, she reminds herself that these are the kind of people who are not interested in hearing about her lifestyle and to just move on
      • Is someone asking a question because they are genuinely trying to understand your choices, or is someone simply feeling defensive about their food choices
      • Food choices are really personal and sometimes people feel defensive about them
      • Sarah’s post on ‘Gluten-Free Diets Can Be Healthy for Kids‘ – this post has great information on nutrients as it relates to a gluten-free diet
      • When Sarah views an occasion as an opportunity to educate and when she doesn’t
      • If someone is just trolling and you engage them in a conversation that will not go anywhere, you will just create stress for yourself
    • Karen (46:27) how to handle a spouse who is not in support of your Paleo lifestyle?
      • Check out these two posts on Paleo Parents:
      • What happened with Matt and Stacy since she went Paleo before her husband and kids did
      • Real Life Paleo and Paleo to Go both have helpful tools to navigate eating out Paleo
      • Stacy shared details on what she eats when she goes out and how she orders her food to ensure she doesn’t get served a food that she doesn’t tolerate
      • Stacy has found that if she asks the waiter for a recommendation based on her limitations, that by far people are helpful and want to make sure she can have a meal she can fully enjoy
      • How Sarah and her family handled their transition since Sarah started before her husband and kids did as well
        • Sarah found that it was important to show her husband that food on Paleo was still delicious
        • Focus on the positives and frame your conversations accordingly – don’t focus on what you don’t eat
      • The importance of support in a relationship
    • Jackie (55:45) why do friends encourage cheating and not take people’s personal choices seriously?
      • Stacy thinks that either a) they are not thinking or b) they feel better if they have someone to indulge with
      • Stacy has had to ask people (her father and co-workers in particular) are you really encouraging me to do something that does not support my health?
        • “Please don’t tell me that just this bite is ok”
      • Stacy tries to just be encouraging back at people, and makes it clear that they can still enjoy X even if she is making the choice to not have something
      • One of Sarah’s phrases is “no judgement” because people often feel the need to justify their choices when with her
      • Sarah feels that it is not her business what someone else chooses to eat
      • Stacy and Sarah’s thoughts on the enablers in your life
      • Think about what kind of relationships you have in your life and the roles that they play to support your goals, happiness, etc.
    • Sue (1:07:29) – I find myself judging other’s choices, and know that this is a bad habit. How can I fix this?
      • It is important to keep the mindset of no judgement and to be able to recognize when it is appropriate to share your opinions and beliefs with others
      • Work on reframing your brain, it will help you pull back on being judgmental
      • How Stacy handles expressing a concern regarding someone’s health and their choices
      • People will not be motivated to make changes unless they are ready to do so, and the same applies to the readiness and willingness to accept criticism/feedback towards their food choices
      • You cannot impose your will on someone else
      • Be a role model through your actions and when someone is ready, than you can be a source of support and information
  • Thanks all for listening! We will be back again next week with another show!
  • Outro (1:19:45)

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