TPV Podcast, Episode 179, Check In + A Big Thank You

Ep. 179, Check In + A Big Thank You

On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah host a catch up show as Sarah returns from a hectic weekend of book signing event travel, and the hosts take a moment to acknowledge how honored they are over their 2015 Best of Paleo Magazine nominations.

The Paleo View TPV 179 check in and thank you

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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 179, Check In + A Big Thank You

  • Intro (0:00)
  • News and Views (0:56)
    • Welcome back to the east coast Sarah!
    • Sarah adjusting from a busy weekend of travel from book signing events
    • Stacy was late to tonight’s Paleo View recording because the family was in the middle of an epic board game
    • This week’s show will be a check-in episode since Sarah is feeling so jet lagged from her travels
    • While in Vegas Sarah both visited her publisher Victory Belt, and went hiking in the Red Rocks
    • What else Sarah did while in Las Vegas
    • If you missed Sarah’s Phoenix and Las Vegas signings, be sure to sign up for her newsletter so you don’t miss future events
      • Sarah will be in Austin and Houston next, get all the details here
    • Sarah will announce her next book in the next two months, but know that it will be bigger than The Paleo Approach
    • Sarah’s events from this past weekend were amazing – incredible attendees, great discussion, all around wonderful!
    • And a special congratulations to Alaena on the success of the book release, signings, and THIS!!
    • Memories from The Paleo View book tour
    • Sarah and Alaena were the first Paleo authors to ever host an event in Las Vegas
    • The event attendees meeting at signings and networking on Paleo resources in Las Vegas – cool to watch the connections forming
    • Thoughts on future book signing event locations
    • A big thank you to The Paleo View listeners for nominating the podcast in two categories, General Health/Wellness and Science – for Paleo Magazine’s Best of 2015
      • What an honor it is to be nominated in BOTH of those categories and why
      • Submit your votes here, voting is open through January 31
      • When you vote you get a discount to subscribe to Paleo Magazine
    • And a huge thank you for nominating Paleo Parents as ‘Best Blog, Family’ – such a phenomenal surprise!
      • The feels towards the comments received from people on this nomination
      • Taking a step back from the blog in 2015 and focusing on health, specifically Cole’s health
      • Cole possibly coming back on The Paleo View with an update on how he is doing (his original appearance can be heard here)
    • Sarah received nominations for The Healing Kitchen and Paleo Bites
      • Check out the pilot here and share with friends and family, leave comments
    • What else and who else Sarah and Stacy voted for
    • What falls on Stacy’s and Sarah’s #paleoyolo list
    • The treats that Stacy and Sarah’s kid select when given the chance to
    • The candies that people find in Stacy’s office and what they prefer
    • While sugar is a delicious thing, how quickly the palate can adjust if you are at a point where you need to incorporate treats with less sugar – Sarah reminds people how quickly your taste buds turn over
    • Stacy’s favorite treat right now is sugar-less dried mango from Whole Foods
    • Stacy’s love for mangos (Mango Sticky (not) Rice, Mango Strawberry Smoothie, Mango Blueberry Ice Cream Floats, Mango Citrus Jigglers)
  • Sarah is wrapping up the show to go meditate and go to bed
  • Stacy is back to working out, and kicking things off with handstand month – super exciting how well Stacy is feeling
  • Sarah just registered for the CrossFit open
  • We will be back next week with a great topic!
  • Thank you all for listening and please don’t forget to vote for Paleo Magazine Best Of here
  • Outro (41:43)

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