Our third show!
Ep. 3: Transitioning Kids to Paleo
In this episode, Stacy and Sarah tackle your issues transitioning kids to a paleo diet. They discuss tips and tactics that have worked for them, and answer your burning questions on changing your child’s diet through difficult situations. They end with a roundtable featuring Daphne of FitDaffy, Lea from Paleo Spirit, and Sunny from And Love it Too about how to solve food conflict from your little ones. They also start with reacting to the tremendous response we’ve received, both for the PodCast and for Stacy’s “What Losing 135 Pounds Looks Like” post. Thank you!
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 3: Transitioning Kids to Paleo
- 0:00 – Introduction
- 1:18 – News and Views
- Remember: we appreciate reviews!
- Stacy’s post “What Losing 135 Pounds Looks Like”
- Sarah’s post on her own weight loss journey “My 120 Pound Journey to Paleo”
- Our page for submitting questions
- 9:48 – Science with Sarah:Does a paleo diet provide adequate nutrition for children?
- The abstract of a paper on the better absorption of calcium from kale as opposed to dairy
- The abstract of Dr. Cordain’s paper on the nutritional content of a paleo diet
- Our paleo guide on paleo parenting
- 20:44 – Questions and answers
- 21:08 – Where is a good place to start and get menu ideas?
- Our websites are, of course, PaleoParents.com and ThePaleoMom.com
- Eat Like a Dinosaur
- Gluten-Free Tapioca Bread
- Pure Wraps
- Quinoa Pasta
- Almond butter
- Sarah’s post on transitioning kids
- Stacy’s extensive Pinterest boards
- What’s celeriac?
- 29:50 – How do you deal with children wanting to eat out and not understanding why they can’t?
- Stacy’s favorites: Chipotle, 5 Guys, Elevation Burger, and Red Robin
- In terms of planning, no one is better known for cooking ahead and freezing then OnceaMonthMom.com. Did you know that they’ve recently experimented with Paleo and Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free?
- 37:48 – How do you explain the importance of eating paleo to a kid with a spouse who is not on board?
- By the way, Katy, Tx is in fact pronounced like the name Katie. I looked at many YouTube videos from the town to confirm
- The post is called “Your Non-Cooperative Spouse” and, warning, acknowledges the existence of sex
- 50:35 – Would you be 100% paleo if you had no intolerances?
- For evidence that no one is ever 100%, here’s Whole 9 on vacation, Mark Sisson explaining 80/20, and just search the term “Robb Wolf Corn” to discover his dirty, secret love affair with Mexican food
- Muffin recipes: Raichini Muffins, Chunky Monkey Muffins, Broccoli Banana Muffins
- 21:08 – Where is a good place to start and get menu ideas?
- 1:01:01 – Paleo Parenting – How do you deal with temper tantrums and refusing to eat?
- Yes, that’s me in what Stacy calls “My radio voice” introducing this segment. I had to interject because the ladies were so psyched to get talking that they forgot to introduce the segment themselves!
- We’re really thankful for our guests taking the time to come on the show. Please visit their sites to show your appreciation!
- Daphne of FitDaffy
- Daphne writes an fantastic blog about her daily life with a three year old and a newborn while Crossfitting and working full time. She visited us from all the way on the other side of the country, despite being pregnant and dragging a toddler! She is definitely someone to be admired!
- Lea of Paleo Spirit
- Lea blogs about her paleo experiences, and, fairly uniquely in this sphere, tackles it from a Christian perspective. She recently guest posted for us and shared her journey to health
- Sunny of And Love it Too!
- Daphne of FitDaffy
- 1:26:17 – Outro
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