Our second show!
Ep. 2: The Autoimmune Protocol
In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are both on the autoimmune protocol of the paleo diet for their various health issues. This has been a topic of much discussion among blog readers and pod listeners! The ladies breakdown why they are on the protocol, what it is, and who it can help. We hope this answers your questions!
Remember: we are giving away an iPod Touch on Friday! See below to enter!
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If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes!
The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 2: The Autoimmune Protocol
- 0:00 – Introduction
- 1:18 – News and Views
- Greetings and personal experience- 1:27
- 2:46 – Stacy’s experience dealing with Celiac’s disease, no gallbladder, and autoimmune protocol
- 7:30 – Sarah’s experience dealing with lichenplanus and the autoimmune protocol
- Sarah talks about her paleo journey, including the health issues she was facing
- Sarah on her lichen planus and her commitment to autoimmune protocol for New Years’ 2012
- Sarah’s updates on her autoimmune progress are here
- 22:00 – Science with Sarah on the Autoimmune Protocol
- Sarah herself has written extensively about the science behind the autoimmune protocol, including here
- Sarah on eggs
- Sarah on which spices are safe
- Sarah on coffee
- Sarah on why you ought to eat organ meat
- Recipes for organ meat: heart jerky, liver and kidney cottage pie, tongue tacos, liver pate, offal stew,
- Dr. Wahl’s website; recovered from MS with diet change
- Sea Seasonings Sea Salt w/ Sea Veg
- Kelp Noodles
- Stacy’s Autoimmune Pinterest Board
- Of course, the best laid out reasoning for the autoimmune protocol with meal plans and plenty of lists that you can buy is Practical Paleo
- GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome)
- SCD diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet)
- What are psyllium husks?
- Mark’s Daily Apple on psyllium husks and Paleo Bread
- 51:38 – Questions and Answers
- 52:27 – Does it matter if eggs are pastured soy-free, corn-free, or grain-free?
- Stacy’s Egg Saga
- Stacy’s Gallbladder post
- 52:27 – Does it matter if eggs are pastured soy-free, corn-free, or grain-free?
- 56:31- Can you develop an intolerance to a food after removing it from your diet for a while?
- 1:01:45 – What do you eat for breakfast?
- Diane Sanfilippo compiled this list of breakfast ideas
- 1:10:59 – What do you snack on?
- We have jerky recipes in Eat Like a Dinosaur
- Caramelized Coconut Chips
- Well Fed
- 1:18:30 – Closing
In celebration of the launch of The Paleo View podcast, we’ve decided to giveaway a brand new iPod Touch with which you can listen to our brand new podcast!
Even more special, we’ll do the work of shipping this to ANY country, so all you Canadian and Aussies can enter too!
However, you will be responsible for any import taxes associated with the shipment.
Features of an Apple iPod Touch
iPod touch takes fun to the next level. It now comes in two colors: black and white. It includes iOS 5, which gives you over 200 exciting new features. And with iCloud, whatever’s on your iPod touch is automatically on your other devices, too.
- Facetime (video chat)
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- Music, iTunes & THE PALEO VIEW PODCAST listening
- Games & Apps (good luck prying the iTouch out of your kids’ hands)
- IOS 5
- iCloud
Serious, this is probably the biggest single giveaway we’ve ever done (unsponsored, nonetheless) and we’re truly excited to give it to a lucky listener!
To enter, simply click on the Rafflecopter link and follow the instructions. By the way, pay particular attention to the requirement to review the podcast on iTunes, that will always help people to find it!) Fill out the below and away you’ll go!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The winner will be announced with our second podcast posting. Thanks for supporting us in this effort. We’re really excited and can’t wait to hear from you!
Support us by shopping on Amazon (below) or Donating through Paypal (below) or shopping through links on our sidebars, please!