Hi Friends, here’s a look at our week!
We are SO PROUD and excited to be celebrating Cole’s excellent report card. We haven’t shared on the specific struggles he was having recently because we wanted to focus on resolving the issues, and give him the privacy he deserved to do so. But we are all ready to share more – and will be on the blog and podcast soon. Fankly, 3rd and 4th grade have been hard; they introduced changes to the classroom environment that caused a return in his ADHD behavior we hadn’t seen since pre-paleo preschool days. But with hard work and lifestyle changes he has seen improvement in nearly every single area, from academic to behavioral! We were thrilled to see those results on paper in his report card this week, so to celebrate he wisely chose Chima, a Brazilian steakhouse for his dinner, which he totally earned!
After a long weekend spent at Paleo f(x), it was back to business as usual, including my lunch salad – deconstructed this time. My newest salad kick has been sesame seeds, in addition to the carrots, dried cherries, pistachios, Tessemae’s Lemon Garlic, kelp salt and canned tuna (got to try a new brand at Paleo f(x) called Safe Catch, which tests every single fish for mercury – thumbs up!). The seeds add a nice crunch, and also pair perfectly with our Asian Vinaigrette!
Paleo f(x) did not disappoint this year! We gave a presentation on how to make our now famous Stacy’s soup, which of course included Matt doing all the work and Stacy talking with her hands passionately about the merits of broth/stock. So, nothing new there, ha! If you missed the live stream, we’ll be sure to tell you when it’s available as part of the online version that will surely be offered soon!
At the conference itself, getting to listen to so many awesome people in the paleo community was a blast, of course – but we really go for the food & friends! We loved loved loved visiting the EPIC Bar Booth, best free samples ever! Epic has just come out with a ton of new products, and they are mind-blowinlgly awesome. Loving the Uncured Bacon Bar (AIP friendly), the Liver Bar, Pulled Pork Pineapple Bar, and Beef Apple Bacon Bar! —> Check em out for yourself!
We also fell in love with the local eats, and one of our favorites (yet again) was Picnik Austin. Stacy had a blueberry rooibos tea with butter and Vital Proteins, plus AIP Steak Salad and a blondie (and it was so good she had the same meal there twice!)
When in Austin rule number one: eat (gluten-free, grass-fed) Texas Sheet Cake ice cream! Stacy also sampled the Salted Caramel and Sweet Cream Strawberry at Lick Ice Cream. All seriously outrageously, insanely delicious!
Another highlight of our trip to Paleo f(x) was the lifting workshops where Stacy got to work on her “speed under the bar” in hopes that her lifting buddies will quit telling her how awful her cleans are! Also attended was the phenomenal Jen Sinkler’s biofeedback seminar – GENIUS. I hope to do a review of that from her husband’s ebook on the blog some day so you call can benefit too!
By far though, the best part of the weekend was getting to see so many of our friends. We wrapped up the weekend with a Paleo blogger breakfast potluck– which, as you can imagine, was downright amazing. We wish we could repeat that meal and company every morning, forever. Our contribution was Breakfast Soup, naturally.
We love seeing how the Paleo movement has grown and is thriving, and we’re so honored to be a part of it.
Congrats to Our Friends!
At Paleo f(x) we also got to preview some incredible new books that will be releasing soon. We know you’re going to love them just as much as we do! And don’t forget, if you pre-order on Amazon, you are guaranteed the lowest price!
Down South Paleo by Predominately Paleo: we’ve already had the pleasure of sampling the Chicmichanga recipe from this book and it was too good for words.
Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind by Vanessa Barajas: This girl is so fun and light-hearted, and can cook some pretty incredible things. Look at that cake! We had to resist licking the cover when we saw this one.
Easy Paleo Meals by The Spunky Coconut: she just keeps knocking them out of the park! We can’t wait for you to get to cook from this awesome resource of simple, quick, easy Paleo meals.
Paleo Takeout by The Domestic Man: we adore Russ and every meal he’s ever made for us or that we’ve cooked from his blog and books. We can’t wait to start cooking from this one!
At first I was upset about this article, because our family enjoys eating at Smashburger, and some of us even partake in the gluten-free buns. But then I realized the complaint was simply unfounded, as the restaurant is very straightforward in disclosing their kitchen practices. In my opinion – as a Celiac – eating out is ALWAYS A RISK and it is our responsibility to ask about kitchen practices and do the research. What do you think? —> Udi’s & Smash Burger: A Gluten-Free Disaster.
This is serious stuff. If you don’t know, read —> The Mental Health Effects of Eating Too Much Sugar.
Now that’s a headline! —> He Holds the Patent that Could Destroy Monsanto and Change the World! This is pretty cool. Do you believe it?
We’ve been traveling a lot, which means we’ve been coming home to a pretty much EMPTY REFRIGERATOR. When there isn’t time to go shopping right away, we rely on our favorite pantry staples to still get a meal on the table. Here are our top five:
Chosen Foods Avocado Oil is something we always have on hand and use nearly every day for things like getting a quick veggie side dish out for dinner.
With three young boys, we always need to keep quick fuel on hand. We perpetually stock several varieties of nuts and dried fruits for just this purpose. They are also part of my daily lunch salad, which if you follow me on Instagram, you’ve likely seen. PISTACHIOS AND CRANBERRIES AGAIN, STACY? I know, but it’s a great combination! We usually get big bags of nuts from Costco (here’s our shopping list!) and dried fruit from Steve’s Paleogoods because it isn’t made with extra sugars.
Canned tuna has been a lifesaver on more than one occasion, like when we forget to thaw a package of meat for dinner! We can make canned tuna into sushi, eat it on top of salads, or even form it into patties and fry ’em up.
The pantry isn’t complete without chocolate chips! The boys love to bake together, and we have a self-proclaimed cookie monster in the house… so, yeah, healthier chocolate chips are a must. They are also perfect for melting and dipping fresh spring strawberries into for dessert in a pinch!
Almond flour is the base for a lot of the baking that we do. We use it in plenty of savory items too, like Fool’s Gold Chicken Nuggets from Eat Like a Dinosaur and Sweet Potato Drop Biscuits.
We find that as long as we have a good supply of a few main staples in our pantry, fridge and freezer, we prevent those panicky moments that could potentially end in making bad food choices. It’s a planning ahead fall back. It’s insurance that is there will always be something healthy to eat, no matter how busy we are.
Your Favorite Recipes Made from the Pantry, Fridge & Freezer
Fruit Sweetened N’Oatmeal Cookies
Events & Announcements
Do you need help with energy? Do you suspect your adrenal glands need more support?Announcing: Paleo Rehab: Adrenal Fatigue!
—> Find our more and get the help you deserve!
A weekend filled with everything PORKTASTIC. You missed our signing yesterday, but great events are still happening today!
Kickshaws Downtown Market: May 1 @ 5pm through May 3 @ 5pm!
Fredericksburg, VA
—> RSVP and Check out the schedule HERE!
Weekly Discounts & Coupons
We’re fortunate to partner with some incredible companies that, like us, work towards promoting health, wellness, and fun! Your support of these companies helps support us, and we greatly appreciate that.
VITAL PROTEINS: 10% off with code: VPA-0626-97BR1-LYIQ
SPREADSHIRT: free shipping on two or more items with code “free2love”
THE DIRT: 15% off all orders —> follow link to get the code
DELICIOUS OBSESSIONS: Mention Stacy from Paleo Parents to get a free copy of Delicious Obsession’s coffee ebook with your order!
THE SOX BOX: 15% off all Compression and Performance styles with code: compression; or 10% off products with code: stronglikestacy