Skintervention by Liz Wolfe, NTP

We get a LOT of questions about natural body care. Stacy’s mentioned we cloth diaper, that she uses a more natural deodorant and began henna-ing her hair… so I guess that’s why? But, considering this is a blog mainly focused on parenting, paleo recipes and our personal paleo journey, I can only image how many people in the community are looking for more information on the topic.

If you’ll recall, I enlisted the help of our friend Liz Wolfe, NTP to join us on The Paleo View Beauty & Toxins podcast. We’ve referenced her in countless blog posts. She is the guru of all things natural beauty, in my opinion. From her advice, I’ve changed my shampoo, de-glutened all my body products, found a natural deodorant that actually keeps me fresh, began using henna instead of chemical dye on my hair, rub lavender scented fish oil on my face and began slathering coconut oil on the entire family’s skin.

The only reason I trusted this woman’s recommendations, crazy as they sounded at the time, is because it’s OBVIOUSLY working for her. Her beauty radiates – inside and out. Liz is humble, honest and real about her past with bad skin and acne. And now, she tells us all how using the paleo template as a nutrient-rich way to nourish the body can change it’s appearance and health, inside and out.

This is great news for all of you who’ve been asking the questions and looking for answers on natural body care!  Liz has put all of the answers together for you in one awesome eBook that I’m super excited is now available to refer people to!

The guide includes 3 parts, over 200 pages of Liz’s expertise on a range of topics. It’s like getting extensive private consult in order to obtain answers to whatever questions you may have. If you’re struggling with eczema, psoriasis or a number of skin-related issues and not seeing results from the diet or lifestyle changes you’ve made so far, this book is going to rock your socks off.

The confidence gained from healthy skin and body care control is like nothing else. The sooner you start down the path to wellness, the faster you’ll get that healthy glow you’ve always known was yours. Problem-free skin and toxin-free body care is life changing!  



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