Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

Did you know that on Instagram alone the hashtag #pumpkineverything has 177,944 posts?! I mean, I am not a die-hard pumpkin fanatic or anything, but I totally get why this flavor rules the fall (and lets be honest, much of winter too!).

The mighty pumpkin is versatile, making both the perfect savory soup and sweet Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Squares. It is a vegetable, so an excellent nutrient-dense ingredient to mix into smoothies, breads, stews – heck you could even throw it into a breakfast scramble! And finally, it is a pretty inexpensive item at both the grocery store and farmer’s market – the servings of pumpkin found in one single squash work out to be pocket-change for the pound.

To inspire your kitchen creations in the height of the #pumpkineverything season, we have rounded up our top ten pumpkin recipes so that you can maximize this amazing winter squash. And what is even better, after Halloween, save those jack-o-lanterns that are in good condition and bake them to incorporate into any one of these recipes. The perfect win-win to Halloween’s leftovers!

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

1. Pumpkin Butter

The perfect spread to enjoy on pancakes, a slice of gluten-free toast, or as a dip for apple slices.

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

2. Tutorial Thursday: All Things Pumpkin

How do you prepare this winter squash? What can you do with it once you’ve cooked it? Which varieties are better for sweet or savory? All these questions and more are answered in this post.

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

3. Pumpkin Bread Pudding

A recreation inspired by Stacy’s number one craving while pregnant with Cole, the almighty and all-satisfying bread pudding – only this time in fully paleo form!

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

4. Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

One of the-most-delicious pumpkin creations you will ever experience. Seriously, one bite takes you away into some magical land of pure pumpkin magic. Your life is not complete until you try these. Just saying.

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

5. Pumpkin Bacon Pancakes

The flavor combination in these pancakes is sure to please every palate at your table! The salty of the bacon, the rich flavor of the pumpkin, and the sweet of the applesauce, make for one very satisfying combination.

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

6. Pumpkin Pucks

Stacy set out to create a muffin form of pumpkin pie, and managed to do just that with the Paleo Parents classic Pumpkin Pucks. The outside is soft in traditional muffin form, and the inside is creamy and rich. But be warned, the recipe makes one dozen pucks that will disappear quickly, they are just that good.

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

7. Pumpkin Cider Latte

A recipe developed by Cole, that is right – a fully kid-friendly Pumpkin Cider “Latte”, that showcased the talents of a young chef in the making! This Pumpkin Cider Latte is quick and easy to make, and free of sugar, making it the perfect drink any time of day.

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

8. Pumpkin Chili

With the absence of nightshades (no peppers or tomatoes) this chili dish is the perfect savory creation. The subtle flavors of pumpkin and chocolate shine through to create one unique and very satisfying bowl of delicious!

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

9. Pumpkin Delights

Another ‘hit the ball out of the park’ conventional food re-make, these Pumpkin Delights put ol’ Little Debbie to shame! These cookies can be made nut-free (your welcome school lunch boxes), and only contains 1/4 cup of honey as the sweetener. Plus, mini-chefs love to create this one!

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

10. Pumpkin Pudding

A recipe share from Real Life Paleo, this pudding features our beloved super-ingredient, gelatin, and contains only 1/3 cup of maple syrup as the sweetener. You could literally enjoy this pudding any time of day totally free of ‘I am having dessert with breakfast’ guilt!

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes

**BONUS: Healthiest Ice Cream Ever

While the original creation of this (EPIC) recipe calls for butternut squash as the key ingredient, you could easily sub in pumpkin for a perfectly healthy pumpkin ice cream creation! This recipe has no added sugar, and has an amazing mix of fall flavors to create a very satisfying healthy alternative to standard ice cream recipes.

Paleo Parents Top 10 Pumpkin Recipes


With these top Paleo Parents pumpkin recipes, we hope you break the pumpkin bread rut and venture into some new recipe territory! Oh, and go ahead and count a serving of any one of these recipes towards your daily serving of vegetables, because that is the mega bonus of using pumpkin as your star ingredient.

Cheers to the pumpkin season!

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