It’s back to school season (ahhhh!!) and we’re getting back into routine- in this week’s newsletter!
It was the perfect ending to another great summer! I LIVED IN THE MOMENT and enjoyed it fully. Back pain, weight gain, no matter – life is for living and focusing on the positive in order to get where you want to be! Wallowing in pity, shame, or guilt certainly wouldn’t have made it a fun summer! And now I have happy memories to remember forever, instead of regret.
We brought these Brownies from The Paleo Kids Cookbook to a dock party during our camping weekend. The host has Celiac disease and was SO EXCITED that we brought a dessert that she could eat. The kids were thrilled that there was something they could enjoy as everyone else had gluten-filled dessert – it’s so nice when they don’t feel left out!
It was officially back to school this week for our three goofballs! Ending summer and looking back at how the boys have changed and grown during the year always gives me all the feels.
As we get into a routine and have the added pressure of getting lunches packed, having breakfast ready on time, and navigating after school activities… we’ll be reminding ourselves of our own BEST TIPS for eating healthy on the go! We wrote Paleo To Go for just this reason —> more info below!
50% OFF Paleo To Go!
Is life getting hectic? Kids back to school? Extracurriculars starting?
Get 50% off with code: BTS50OFF at checkout!
Get our ebook and learn how to eat healthy on the go! –> HERE!
This is an ebook that you will receive immediately- no waiting!
Check out our favorite sneak peak recipes from Paleo to Go below!
Upon our entrance into the paleo scene in 2010, we have been asked countless times how we make it actually work. To us, as a busy family of 5, making it work often means eating on the go. We always eat healthy meals and we always eat dinner together as a family, but in the hustle and bustle out the door to school and work often means “grab and go” food for breakfast and lunch. When we travel we like to feel our best, which means continuing to make the best food choices we can.
That’s why we’ve wrote Paleo To Go, to help all the busy folks who are eating on the go.
Our mission, since the realization that eating real foods on the go isn’t easy, has been to offer people tools that we wished we’d had along the way! As you can imagine, over 4 years we’ve answered the question on just how to make paleo work on-the-go a myriad of ways –including several episodes of our podcast, video blogs, blog posts and more. This ebook combines all of that information and knowledge with recipes, lunch ideas and more for an allergen-friendly guide that would help people survive a busy day with real food.