Fruit-sweetened desserts, plus our busy week traveling to NYC and the new Wesley Waffle!
Our Real Life
All, our “real life” has been out of control lately! If you’ve noticed a lack of posts and sharing on social media, its because we’re in the middle of selling our house, while simultaneously trying to find the perfect next house! Which is why I’m showing you my unmade bed in all its glory – because now that our house is officially under contract and not being shown to strangers multiple times a day (squee!) I feel like I can finally breathe again… being able to actually cook food in the kitchen, and not having to make 4 perfect beds every day is truly wonderful! Thanks for sticking with is through this, we promise we’ve got fun stuff coming as soon as we have time!
We’ve been surviving on a lot of no-cook meals lately, and the new Vital Veggies blend from Vital Proteins has saved me on quite a few occasions! It makes a phenomenal quick breakfast, and the collagen protein and four servings of fruits and veggies have been exactly what I need to keep going… and pairing it with matching green pistachio macaroons don’t hurt either 😉
Last week we found ourselves on spring break, and not being able to relax or have much fun in our own home (had to keep it pristine for house showings), so we booked a last minute trip to New York. It was perfect – we all had a blast and enjoyed some much needed fun and relaxation.
We had gluten-free pizza, incredible gluten free pastries from Plum Bakery in New Jersey, and did a LOT of walking and sightseeing, including the American Museum of Natural history – which was even more huge and awesome than we imagined. The boys are already talking about going back again some day soon!
We even made a fun video of our silly family exploring NYC – enjoy!
Safer Skincare Freebies and News
Just a quick note to let you all know that I am hosting a Beautycounter giveaway in my Healthy Inside and Out Facebook group. It’s incredibly easy to enter, and the prize is awesome: a No 1 Brightening Spa Set!
Our Favorite Fruit-Sweetened Products
Collagen Veggie Blend is the very genius creation of our friend Sarah (you may know her as the Paleo Mom!) and Vital Proteins. It is a drink mix with a full serving of collagen peptides plus three servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit. This has been a lifesaver lately during busy days, and I love that it isn’t sweetened with anything extra! We even have a recipe for the daily smoothie Stacy’s been having, you can find it in our Vital Proteins FAQ page here!
This is my number one favorite kitchen gadget! The isi Cream Whipper turns coconut milk or grass-fed cream into luscious whipped cream. It’s all you need to add a little some extra to a bowl of fresh berries!
Need to satisfy a crunch-craving? Try one of our family-favorites: freeze-dried apple chips. These Bare Apple Chips have no added sweeteners- just the sweetness from the apples, which is plenty!
Veggie-Go’s are fruit leather made from just fruits and a helping of veggies to go with it! We love them for lunch boxes, travel, and after school snacks!